Halloweave has something for everyone including those who need a round-to-it.  Come to enjoy the build up to Halloween!  You can read the house mission statement--my apologies that it is long.  There you will find my oldest secret weaving procrastination.  House prizes will spill over after Halloweave in honor of procrastination.




I don't think I can beat you on procrastination, fj, but I did have a warp that took me 12 years to finally weave off. 

I am famous in my family for starting projects and then losing interest.  We have three walls that are half painted, a chalkboard calendar that has one tiny corner and labels at the top that were never finished, a kitchen remodel unfinished... 

... and now added into that is my wanna-be walking loom.  I've been mucking with it for weeks, finally removed the treadles, and there is sits. I am hoping this house gives me the kick in the butt to make and install long treadles.

[email protected]

Momentum carries us through disliked tasks. Not having the right tool stops momentum and facilitates procrastination.  

Perhaps this strikes a chord within you to share your experiences?  Sharing our experiences builds strong community.



finishing my weaving - meaning once it is off the loom. I have a stack of hemming that needs to get done. I have been slowly working my way through it but I have projects from workshops three, four or more, years ago. I have a sweater that I knit 23 years ago that I still have not sewn together - that is all that needs to be done to get it finished. Now mind you, there are lots of projects I have done that have been finished but the unfinished ones are gaining fast. the sad thing is once I start to hem, especially hand hemming, I enjoy it. It is all the steps leading up to actually being able to sew that I hate!


Endorph, I totally get it.  Its helped me a bit to use the iron-in seam stuff, that holds the fabric so its easier to sew and keep straight.  But I use the excuse of not having a comfortable chair to sit upright and with good light, but we all know that is just an excuse, don't we?


And how many people are procrastinating joining us?

[email protected]

Launch of house was planned for last week in October so we are accidentally ahead of schedule.  Allows for procrastination.  Not sure everyone knows that so far we have at least one prize specific to this house.  


I have 2 confessions.

1. I'm really bad at puting back the yarn cones I take out for a project. I now have 13 cones sitting on the floor where I wound the bobbins from the last 3 projects. But.... somehow the shelves they came from have magically filled up again - so there's no room. How did this happen, I wonder.Innocent I must get that additional shelving unit put together and the cones sorted out and in their proper place.

2. I'm procrastinating in changing my method of warping from B2F w/raddle to B2F with rough-sleying using a reed ala Laura Fry. I've seen the method a dozen times and it's SO logical, yet every warp I wind whispers to me 'just use the raddle'. I have to get around the fear of sleying a reed BEFORE I wind on the warp beam.



Tom, I also have trouble wrapping my head around the rough sleying, and I really do not like sleying a reed.  But I also want to try that.

I've been told that the LeClerc raddle is narrow enough to fit into a beater. Its a raddle, so its open at the top; I do not enjoy sleying a reed, and so the idea of using a raddle at the beater appeals to me.  I figure I could have a raddle at the beater and near the cloth beam, too.  I keep thinking that I will order one, but what do I do?  Oh - I procrastinate!



Is ignoring similar to procrastinating?   Right now I am ignoring my tapestry because I made a mistake that is going to be, to me, a hassle to fix.  I want to finish the weaving, but I have to fix the mistake first.

I am with you guys on rough-sleying, want to try yet the raddle keeps coming out.  I am going to see if my raddle will fit in the beater next time around, that might work.  Queezle,  I saw the open raddle from LeClerc , but darn it, I have 4 raddles, I don't want more (sorry about the little whine there, it slipped out).

[email protected]

I hope others will weigh in on this but I think one leads to the other. The mistake that stopped you also has a place in this story.  Cause, enabler, and result with variations.  Which is which?  Can these shift or trade functions if thought of in the form of an equation?  Loss of momentum creates a dangerous opening for procrastination. Ignoring leads to forgetting?


that my tapestry loom is at the the top of the stairs in the loft so I have to walk past it to go anywhere in the loft and now it is starting to taunt me!  I hate when my looms and projects do that.  FJ, maybe you starting this thread will kick start me this weekend to do something about that weaving.  I really want to finish it, just for some reason I don't want to deal with the mistake.  I really think I am getting crazier than I was to start with, hate to see what the next few years bring.   LOL

[email protected]

Mistakes are often more memorable than perfection.  Viewed through the art lens rather than the craft lens, could there be a simpler solution to get the piece back on track?  It might shift to a new track but letting it evolve without going backwards could be very interesting and quite in the spirit of Halloweave.  The purpose of the cloth can be allowed to change too. Queezle' towels to purse project reframed towels to yardage when cut and sewn.  When we sew, we most often cut off the selvages so the pride we take in perfecting the selvages may not be seen by anyone else.  Perfection is the enemy of good enough.

Small goals are like a road map to keep from losing the way.  If I can break down a task into a series of very short term (read minutes each) steps, I can work from one to the next without losing momentum and satisfy my need to cross things off the list.  Much better the whole project as a single item on the list for my procrastination gene to ignore in favor of crossing off a long list of short tasks.  Some days, I am accountable to my list.  All are welcome to feel accountable for small goals in this house.

How can your friends at Procrastination House help you to get over the hump and create a plan to finish your tapestry?



FJ makes an excellent point!

I made a step!  I went to Home Depot and got them to cut pieces of wood for new treadles.  These will still need to have a slot cut into it, and a perfectly straight hole drilled to attach to the treadle bar.   


Six treadles made - these might be good enough.

12 inches longer than the original, slot cut with a jigsaw, and cross-wise hole to assemble onto a metal bar to align treadle base put in with small electric hand drill.  Holes are not perfect.  The original treadles have a little hole on the back to prevent the tie-up cords from sliding, and I got those inserted, too.  I'm not really proud of it, but given that I am not 100% sure I will want to keep my loom as a walking/standing loom, these are good enough for a trial.

original and the new ones


OK. six treadles done, and on the loom.

They are a bit misaligned, and perhaps I should lengthen the tie-ups?  But the first thing I need to do is to change the tie up from left-to-right-to-left to a walking tieup.


job on the treadles.  How fun to see it come together for you.  Looking at your picture, I think you will be happier with longer tie-up cords.  I am looking forward to the treadle walking report!  

Between Queezle working on her treadles and Francine's idea of changing my mindset, I sat at the tapestry loom for a bit yesterday and took out what I needed to remove and started to move forward again.  Thanks for listening to me and giving me a better perspective on this issue.  

Sometimes my weaving projects turn into a race in my mind.  I really need to slow down and calm down and remember to enjoy ALL of the process.  Usually while I am weaving I am thinking of the next project or the project that is started on another tool.  I am going to try to just enjoy what is going on under my hands vs. looking ahead at the next thing.  This House of Procrastination is proving to be very beneficial to me.


longer tie-up are needed, and also a platform.  The treadles attach to a horizontal bar that is about 1 inch up off the ground.  I can weave with my entire foot on those narrow treadles, but it isn't great.  I think it would feel better if I had a platform behind the treadles/treadle bar, so my walking kept my heel on solid ground, and the front half of my foot on the treadles. 

Our supply of left-over maple flooring will be a good stand in while I decide if I like this or not. 

(edited - haha - my maple flooring leftovers will be a stand-in for a stand-on device - lol).


Just to show that I also have problems with procrastination here's a nice scarf that I started at a guild warp painting workshop sometime before 1999 when they moved to new premises and finished just in time to wear last summer.  It's one of my favourite scarves so worth the wait.

I really wanted to share a simple way of converting a raddle to fit in the normal reed groove on the beater, so no need for a special raddle.  It involves a little very simple carpentry but nothing like a major loom reconstruction. I managed to do it on my most used raddle, made by my father about 30 years ago.  All you need is 3 small pieces of wood about as wide as a reed or the reed groove in the beater and 6 small nails.  Just put them in the centre of the bottom of the beater, one on each end and one in the middle.  When I use it, I just stabilise the beater by tying it to each side of the loom, tie the raddle to the beater, put the warp in inch groups between the nails and keep a good supply of rubber bands, the ones we get round bunches of asparagus work very well, to ensure the warp stays in the raddle.  It's all so simple, most people will have the the supplies on hand so really there's no need to procrastinate on this one. Pictures if that helps


I will have to take a close look at my raddle - I know I tried to set it into my beater, but when it didn't just slide into place, I just moved on.  This does look like a simple approach, thanks for posting.

And I love your scarf!  I have something like that saved as inspiration for a table cloth - its really lovely.

sally orgren

Probably not. It is the "house if procrastination" after all... 

sally orgren

Now to ponder what I could possible accomplish by Monday (or beyond), right?


you don't want to rush into anything. Take your time and really ponder your options. Cool

[email protected]

For those who have procrastinated successfully in not reading the house mission statement, I want you to know we will be awarding at least one prize.  Links are an easy strategy for overcoming procrastination so here is the one for the original plan. http://weavolution.com/node/33566


sally orgren

of unfinished projects qualify? (Not saying I am actually doing that, and it would result in putting elsewhere, just pondering...)


I was feeling good about putting 5 cones of yarn away - though I managed to procrastinate about the other 15 that appear to have taken up residence in random locations in the studio, kitchen, bedroom, and living room.  I think my visitors consider them to be art installations, though my husband appears to not agree.


I know what you mean.  I end up with yarn and weaving books everywhere, it seems every room has one or the other.  Then try to find the item I want because it sure isn't on the shelf where it belongs.


I've made yet one more change in an attempt to make this frankenloom comfortable.  I put some wood in front of the treadles so its OK to have my foot half on & half off the treadles.  Its better.  But there is something difficult to wrap my head around with converting the treadling to a walking format.  It doesn't seem logical.  I mean, it does on paper, but standing there at the loom it feels unpredictable.  I guess I have to work at it for a few days to see if the neurons can rewire.


(procrastination of the day) - because my treadles are now 3-4 inches lower than they were in their original position, I need to make new treadle tie-ups.  The originals were hand-tied nylon cord, so if I can mamage a trip to a hardware store, I think I will have the materials I need.  I am also planning to go camping, so it will have to fit into the weekend's craziness.

[email protected]

In the finest tradition of procrastination, this weekend is prime time to think about Halloween! Anyone working on costumes?  

We have an in house prize to award next week in addition to the terrific Halloweave drawings this weekend.  Spin your "yarns"--storytellers. Scary fiber stories welcome.

Yarnsnthreads (not verified)

You know I haven't even given it a thought this year. My daughters are all to old to trick or treat. As for me, I thinking I might skip dressing up to give out candy. My husband is planning on dressing up for work. He is going as a mobster. My daughter just made hime a pinky ring. He plans to wear all black (dress shirt and pants). He is going to take his lunch in a violin case and I found him a gold silk tie.

sally orgren

I wove about 1/2 inch on my "notes to self" series, got another idea, and moved enough weaving stuff off the guest bed to allow our weekend guests a place to put their suitcase. I am inching toward the finish line!

[email protected]

How long after Halloweave should Procrastination House stay open?  

Belated birthday cards and giving of a wedding gift up to the first anniversary may inform the decision.  


sally orgren

...after the 20th anniversary?

Of course, that means I would have to finish it, right?

Alternatively, I did weave about 8" yesterday afternoon on the M's & O's towel warp that hadn't been touched since May. Woo Hoo!

[email protected]

Wedding gift delayed 20 years is certainly a contender for our house prize!  Finishing the weaving is not required for enty.  My 1979 first piece of weaving that has never been wet finished inspired me to offer a late prize of Laura Fry's Magic in the Water.  I will order a copy for the winner in our house when I order a copy for myself.  Honoring the procrastination theme, means the downloads will be available later in November.

I hope Sally's entry will inspire others to share their stories. 

Happy Halloween,



I've now raised it a total of 3 3/4 inches, made new treadles, so far only 8 treadle tie-ups, and finally realized that the treadles needed repositioning.  My loom has two floor-level supports that go perpendicular to the warp.  One I have removed, it holds the treadles at the front of the loom.  The second one is right under the harnesses.  I was worried it wouldn't work out, but last night I moved the treadles below that beam, made much longer treadle ties, and - it works!  This, plus a landing strip behind the treadles makes the entire enterprise of treadling a wonderfully comfortable experience.

loom lifted 3 3/4 inches


I wove nearly 4 years ago. It still is not hemmed or wet finished. I might just keep it now for the next baby to come along. Or maybe for a baby of the inteded baby? Who knows. It may take me that long to get it hemmed.

As for Halloween I have not candy in the house to give out, no decorations put out and no desire to go to the store on the way home to remedy that situation. So no Halloween at my house tonight. I have vaguely thought about Thanksgiving and have nothing even in the works for Christmas.

I think this House will be open and active in Weavo for a long time!


Well I did get those cones off the floor and onto shelves, and the room relatively straightened up because the loom that lived there moved on! A new 'tenant' has signed a contract with me for the forseeable future. But first, the room must be reorganized and consolidated as the footprint on the Toika Liisa is a bit larger than the Structo was. It's name is officially Marja-Leena after it's only owner.

Hazel Fyrebird

I meant to start on something in October, but I didn't get around to it.  I am a relatively new weaver, so I certainly can't compete with delayed baby or wedding gifts! My family is doing a "slow, controlled" move from one home to another, which means that what normally takes people a weekend to a couple weeks to sort & deliver, we've so far taken 2 months...and counting. We're sorting through things we've not had see the light of day for a few decades, and it's really cutting into my crafting time! We are lucky enough to have the 1st house paid off, and just need to clear it out & fix it up for sale. But the lack of a  definitive deadline is definitely allowing it to drag out longer than I'd like. (I know it doesn't count towards the challenge, just wanted to explain why I joined up &then didn't follow through this year. )

sally orgren

When I was a newer weaver with a few years of experience under my belt, I decided to try Krokbragd. I ordered about $400 (at the time) of rug wool from Halcyon to make 4 generous rugs for 4 friends & family members that were getting married that year. The sett was open, it warped & beamed up so fast, I was optimistic.

Then I started weaving. I loved it, but quickly realized 3 pics packed in to look like 1 pic with this structure, and each rug was planned for 5 or 6 feet. The first rug took f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

For my first warp (a blue rug) I used black carpet warp. I also didn't know how to finish the edges. I cut it off the loom and the weft started creeping down the short warp ends immediately. Oh No!

After bringing the rug to my guild for advice, I set this rug aside and made adjustments for the next series based on their recommendations, including ordering black linen warp for the other three. When that yarn arrived, the warp was wound and beamed quickly and I was all set. I started on the next one, in earth tones.

And then something happened. I just stopped. And that warp stayed on the loom for FOUR years. It was the longest "dog on the loom" I have ever experienced. I wove on my table looms in the ensuing years, just so I didn't have to face that warp.

Being the House of Procrastination, I must conclude this story tomorrow, because I have to zip off to guild tonight. (And I will try to rustle up some photos in the meantime so you can see.)


[email protected]

Joining us on November 2nd for Halloweave is divine. You are a goddess of procrastination. New weavers are sometimes best served by procrastination when the project turns out to be too advanced or just not perfect enough.  Sally's story highlights the possibilities. Looking forward to more stories. 

Joyce (not verified)

I didn't finish my Halloweave project in Dr. Frankenstein's house so it seems like a good idea to join the Procrastination House.  I have a feeling this project may sit on the table for a while as I move on to finishing a warp and other weaving activities! 


longest put-offs was the fabric that I ended up turning into a drawstring backpack this past summer.   I wove and wet-finished the fabric in early 2010.  Originally I had intended for it to be towels, but the size just was not right.  I had no use for a purple runner either, so the piece of cloth just hung around the vicinity of the sewing machine.  Then this summer I decided I wanted to have a handwoven something with me when I went to Convergence and the backpack was made.  The cloth just sat for 6 years, you know, cannot rush these things:-)


I put a 6-towel warp on my loom when pregnant with my second child.  I remember how hard it was to lean down, to wind the warp, to do the tie-ups.  We moved when she was 7 weeks old, and that loom sat for 15 years.  I finally wove it off, wet finished, but couldn't bring myself to hem the dishtowels.  And then this halloweave, I joined the frankenstein house and sewed it up into a purse. 

I think my procrastimation paid off.  Had it become a dish towel, I would have instead spent my time shopping for a new bag.

sally orgren

Ok. Here's the unfinished blue Krokbragd rug.

This is the wedding gift rug that has been set aside since 2000. (So it's only been sixteen years...I still have time before the 20th anniversary to finish it!) 

After having a dog on the loom for several years, I finally gained enough weaving experience to have the confidence to start on this rug project again. (Taking a Jason Colingwood rug workshop may have helped!)

It was like a dam broke, and I wove the other three rugs off fairly quickly. I actually had fun weaving them, and eventually did a program on Krokbragd for one of my guilds. Here is a photo of two of three rugs I wove after the blue one. Of these three rugs, one lives in England, one in Saratoga Springs, New York, and one in Colorado.

But the original problem remained on the blue rug - how to deal with finishing the ends of the rug when the warps were too short on one side to bind it off as recommended in most rug books.

Above, the problem end of the rug. Although the edge finish looks nice, it is too loose to actually secure the edge of a rug that will be walked upon or hung on the wall.

After many years of procrastination, I think I have hit upon the solution, thanks to a presentation by Inge Dam at Convergence Michigan 2008. I would like to tablet-weave the warp ends of the rug into a band, using the rug warps as the weft in the tablet band. I need to set up the tablet warp with clamps along the edge of a long table, using the table to support the body of the rug. Then I need to carefully incorporate each warp as a weft into the band, (or stagger the warps if needed), while cinching them against the edge of the band so they prevent the rug wool weft from creeping down those warps.

I think it would make an elegant finish to this rug, which will likely become a wall hanging. (It is destined for a home in Missouri when completed.)

So I think I know what to do. What's keeping me from doing it? Oy!


[email protected]

It is time, if not past time, to order up the promised prize for procrastination.  While I contact Erica J about getting Magic in the Water for me (for my unfinished tote bag woven in 1969) and the winner chosen by weavolutionaries (whether or not you have joined Procrasination House), I would like to invite story submissions over the weekend as well as voting--that will run past the weekend.  

A non-binding straw ballot is also hereby opened regarding creation of a permanent Procrastination House to support identification of sources of procrastination and celebrate overcoming procrastination.  Procrastination can be a positive force when we pay attention to the reasons for it.  Weavolutionaries help each other make the right decisions at the right time. 

Happy weaving,



sure any of us can top Francine and Sally for being such great examples of procrastination. You all give us inspiration. I have only been weaving for 5 years or so but I am proud to say that I have several projects that are 4, 4 and a half years old waiting to be finished. My intentions are good, my follow through not so much! 


I love procrastination house.  I love the confession, support, and reveling in sloth.  It feels like home. 


Yet I am not 100% sure that it would get continuous use all year long, but it seems like a good experiment.  I also think it could work as something that opens in the fall, and closes when someone gets around to it (4-6 months open?).  This might make it more special.

I have procrastinated thinking about my unfinished projects.  There might be another post this weekend, if I get around to it.

[email protected]

I am committed to closing Procrastination House before Thanksgiving.  I am clueless about who is winning the prize but will arrange with Erica J.  Part of the problem (besides procrastination) is that many competitive procrastinators have Magic in the Water.  We can save it for next house opening or ask Erica J to choose a random winner in honor of all of our great procrastinating!


Deborah Anne

I am new to posting on Weavolution. I am also grateful to those who do.  I saw your post, Queezie, regarding a walking treadle, then saw this pic in Handwoven (1996) and wondered if this is what you are trying to do.  I think "walking treadle" and "walking the treadle-meaning the order that the treadles are pressed" are two different things.  Walking Treadle