Halloweave has something for everyone including those who need a round-to-it.  Come to enjoy the build up to Halloween!  You can read the house mission statement--my apologies that it is long.  There you will find my oldest secret weaving procrastination.  House prizes will spill over after Halloweave in honor of procrastination.




This is what I have done to my loom, but so far mine looks like a hack job.  But this is the same idea.  I now stand at my loom, but to be able to step on the treadles, they needed to come out further.  That is, to stand, I couldn't also have my feet under the cloth.  This entailed making new treadles, and new treadle tie-ups. 

I find it amazingly inviting to step into the studio and be able to simply walk up and start weaving.  This rearrangement has given me a new-found love of this loom.

Deborah Anne

Queezie: I thought it was challenging redoing the brake on my 30 year old Baby Wolf. Making your own walking treadles! You must really know your loom. :) It does look comfortable. 


Thanks Deborah Anne,

I have had this loom for more than 20 years, and it really started in small increments.  First I started standing at the loom unmodified, then I made it higher, etc.  It took me a little while, and I am guessing I will continue to tweak it.  It has been fun.