Starting a new Sprang project for Weavolution's "Halloweave" challenge. My first challenge is to unsnarl the start of this cotton yarn. I'm planning to make a small bag and the only time I can make for this is during my commute to work.



I'm using a small booklet to wind my yarn in kind of a figure 8 pattern. See the new book by Carol James titled "Sprang Unsprung." Sprang as traditionally taught is done on a continuous looped warp. But in Carol's book, the first thing we learn is that sprang can be done with free ends. That makes my project possible on the train/bus/train routine of my daily commute!



At work during lunch break I cut one side of the V shape loops. This gives me yarn ends that are roughly twice as long as the booklet. Which is the size I wanted for the bag.



Using the Sugar and Creme self striped dyed yarn allows me to work with stripes in shades that mix well with each other. That cardboard on left is my frame for this work. I'll loop a string around it to hold my sprang.

Here I have hung the yarn on the header string. The cardboard frame is 4 layers of 8-1/2 by 11 inch card stock (thick) that I taped together. I also cut some narrow strips of cardboard to help keep the different rows of sprang separate. See the "safety string" that gets pulled through as I work to help keep the rows separate.





Back on the bus, all the elements are in place. And now the goal is make a bag out of plain sprang. More to follow later.

Have a good day!



and what a great way to spend your commute!

Rigana (not verified)

A good way to spend your time and I'm eager to see a photo of the finished piece.

I don't know this book yet. Could you give me some information about it? I would like to see if it is available here in Germany.


francorios (not verified)

Sprang Unsprung by Carol James was released in August of this year. I'm going to use it as my guidebook for my project.


Have a good day!

Rigana (not verified)

Unfortunately the book is not yet available here. I will ask my friend in the US if she can send it to me.

francorios (not verified)

Here is my sprang. I used a plastic bag to contain it when I put it away in my commute bag. Or man purse, whatever. I notice that the cardboard strip is going to make the first row too "loopy" when I finish.

So I take out the strip and un-sprang what I did. Then tighten up the strings up to the header string. It looks a lot better.

I started using string as space holders. I may regret using such a tight weave, but for now I like the look better.

More in the future.

Have a good day!

francorios (not verified)

I got a few more rows done today. I've had to un-sprang a row a couple of times. I'm learning to spot problems sooner and unsprang less.

I started untangling the loose ends. The area on the right has been untangled but look at the left side. See the mirror image of the sprang below the top rows. Looks like sprang.

Have a good day!

francorios (not verified)


Four rows forward, 3 rows back. Been working one or two rows at a time, trying to get it perfect. And then I realized I had purple drifting into the blue stripe on the right. Take all the rows back to where it went wrong. Last four rows..

With practice I can now un-sprang as fast I can sprang.

Have a good day!


francorios (not verified)

Here is the current state of the sprang this morning. Working my way down the strings. It's about 20 rows so far so I probably have 40 more rows to go. But the work is progressing.

A closer view. I am using safety strings to hold the row spacing. I have the safety strings anchored with lark's head knot to a holding string on the right side. I tie the left side ends of the safety strings with slip knots. There is ten rows held in position by string. I pull the safety strings from the top and move down the holding string. The strings are very important to keep the rows intact since I put the piece into a plastic bag and then jam it into my commuter bag for travel. Above the strings is the sprang web, holding shape nicely.

Here I am stretching the sprang web a little bit so you can see the structure of the mesh. I'm trying to work patiently for the best possible result on this piece. I can getting faster. A row takes about fifteen minutes now. There are no shortcuts to this simple process. It must be perfect or there will be holes in the web. Patience comes to those who wait. Have a good day!

francorios (not verified)

I have updated my sprang project with some close up pictures of the process.


Have a good day!

francorios (not verified)

Oh yeah, this week was 10 rows forward, six rows back.

There was an error. I tried to fix it I just couldn't figure out the interlinking on all those rows. It was actually less stressful to undo six rows and start again.

I think I was trying to gather too much of the strings in my fingers and so I was losing track of threads. I also had trouble with the right side edge threads traveling too much.

Carol James recommends putting a bead on the outside thread but I just tied a short piece of yarn because I didn't have a bead handy. It slides when I want it to and stays put otherwise.

So I am back in the zone and I've almost reached the same spot as before. And everything looks okay.

Have a good day!


Thank you for posting this Franco. Looking forward to seeing the final result.

Sharon Carey

francorios (not verified)


Bag is finished. A braid for drawstring. Bottom is kind of rough with the knots, I may sew it up another row to make it even. Bag is stuffed with a plastic bag for the picture.

Otherwise, not bad.

You can view the overall project at my projects page

Have a good day!

marlenedg (not verified)

 Nice! You finished it. The weave looks pretty tight too,like nothing will come through it. Does it expand?

Very Pretty!


francorios (not verified)


Marlene, Here is the bag flat, about 4 inch wide by 10 inch long.

Stuffed with plastic bags you see how the bag expands in width and the mesh opens up somewhat.

Have a good day!

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