Have found a draft I would like to try but am confused as to whether I would need to use 2 shuttles or 3? Draft pattern calls for shuttle throws 1 and 2 to be treadled on same harnesses - first throw is combination of treadles 1 and 2 - 2nd throw is also treadles 1 and 2. Third and fourth throws are treadles 3 and 4? Two different colors used in draft. For example, shuttle 1 has dark color, while shuttle two is light color? I know there must be a tabby thrown in there but am confused as to whether I would then have to use a third shuttle for the tabby? Or use the opposite shuttle to throw the tabby? Found the pattern in the Handweaver's Pattern Directory, page 35, second draft on the page? It is a Hopsack draft? Thanks for any help in advance. God bless. Merrymac


Su Butler

HI Merrymac....you need two shuttles. This weave will require you use a floating selvedge so you can put a weft in the same shed two times in a row. You do not treadle tabby between picks. This ends up weaving as a basket weave....two adjacent warps up, two down and two repeated picks followed by two repeated picks. You warp with one color, then weave with two. To make it easier, you could warp with two colors and weave with one shuttle, but you will need the floating selvedges to interlace at the edges to keep the first pick of each pair from pulling out. Su :-)

merrymac (not verified)

Thanks, Su. I will try both suggestions. :) ... I was totally thrown with this one? I just took 4 towels off the loom and am getting ready to rewarp. Thinking I will use 2 colors on warp so will try your latter suggestion first. Then may try the first suggestion - using 2 shuttles - with the 2 color warp just to see what happens? Thanks bunches and bunches. God bless.
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