Okay, this year is just rolling along.  How is the challenge coming?  Come on weavers, lets see what you have!



Believe it or not, I have figured out my colors.  I have 3 shades of yellowish orange.  I was all ready to go then I reread the challenge requirements and realized that I have to use 2 of the colors.  That really set me back.  I have yarns as close to the color card as I could manage, have figured out my design,  and am going to start winding the warp.  This is pretty pitiful,  its taken me 9 months to get to this point.  

Now to weave what is on the loom now, wind the warp, and start weaving my challenge.


Yesterday I started getting the warp for my color challenge on the loom. I'm ont sure I'll have it done within the next 5 months, but I'll have made a fair amount of progress, I think.


I decided my colors are close enough. I have two of the colors, and they go quite well with other colors in my collection. But I have a 600-end warp nearly measured to go on the loom first. The TempoTreadle, though, will help me to weave faster (much less un-weaving). So - my ideas remain half baked, but the finding-the-yarn-color challenge has been met. That is progress for me.


After months of color debates, some of us are getting to the point of weaving.  I guess those color cards had to simmer in the back of our minds for a while.  Good weaving to you!

Erica J

Congrats theresasc!! I've had my colors and idea for a while. I just keep having other projects jup the queu ahead of this one! I need to complete 2 other projects by the end of this month, then I really should be able to focus on my challenge!!

I can't wait to see everyone's progress photos!


I'm with you, Erica.  I've got the yarns and the design, but my business has really picked up since fall and I've got both looms warped with commission pieces.  But when I do get to the Challenge,  I'm ready for it, and anxious to see what others are doing.



I'm with you, Erica.  I've got the yarns and the design, but my business has really picked up since fall and I've got both looms warped with commission pieces.  But when I do get to the Challenge,  I'm ready for it, and anxious to see what others are doing.



I started winding the warp on Thursday morning and finished winding it on Friday morning.   The loom I want to use is occupied but I thought winding the warp will give me a bit of a nudge.   Once it is on the loom, I will still have to make weft decisions. 

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