Welcome back after an unexpected absence! Handspun Handwoven has returned and shouldn't disappear again <fingers crossed>. I'm Dawn, and I'm now the Administrator/Moderator of Handspun Handwoven. I've been spinning for about 15 years, and weaving somewhat longer than that. The current project is a handwoven burnouse out of some pounds of Romney that started as raw fleece. I'm currently combing and spinning the warp from Romney locks dyed in a rainbow of colors; once finished, the weft will be spun from some black Romney I've had put aside for a special project.

So...what are you working on? What are your goals? What's making you crazy right now?


Aunt Janet (not verified)

I have to agree with you about the weight.  A 40 lb blanket would not be very useful.  I would use a lightweight yarn for the warp at least, then use the dog yarn for weft, or part of the weft.  You could use the dog hair as singles, too.  That will make it lighter weight.  You could also use a lighter weight yarn in the weft, using the dog now and then, or every other pick.

I hope you will use more of your handspun for weaving in the future.  I use mine a lot and love using it.  I use it in warp and weft, smooth yarns and designer types.  The only problem with using handspun in my weaving projects, is that it uses up pretty fast.  I've been weaving a lot lately and my hanspun stash is declining. 

Happy weaving.

Aunt Janet

Weavalong (not verified)

Decided to join this group because I have started spinning unexpectedly and enjoying it.

The obvious thing for me to do with handspun yarn is weave some, knit some.

I was given an Alpaca fleece in raw state by a very kind person. She probably thought I could spin being a weaver. Anyway, always up for a challenge I decided to get a wheel and learn to spin. Apparently the spinning is going well according to the breeder who kindly coached me on the do's and don'ts of Alpaca spinning today.


Nice to meet you all and if I'm quiet its because of all the reading that's necessary to catch up with the thread.



stitchwort (not verified)

Morning all -

As a knitter, I started to spin my own yarn; then I found other fibres to spin and other uses for handspun yarns. My weaving is definitely low-tech - backstrap, finger, inkle, tablet and rigid heddle so far, thinking about venturing into tapestry.

suzyhok (not verified)

Milkweed down is definitely delicate by itself, but I carded lots of black sheep wool with a little milkweed down and it was a great binder.  The vest washed well by hand and I wore it for quite a while.  It's one of those pieces I did many years ago... and I have no idea where it is now!

Not sure if the milkweed down on its own would hold up... even if plied... but it sounds like you have done lots of experimenting with other fibers and I know you'll come up with something beautiful!  (I love your floor!)

Aunt Janet (not verified)

Thanks for the compliment, Suzy.  I will give the milkweed another try this year.  I'll have to give blending it with other fibers a try.  Yep, I've tried all kinds of fibers.  Once i found a pile of cotton tail bunny fur from coyote kill.  It spun into the nicest tiny skein.  I just might try roadkill skunk someday, just to say I did. 


suzyhok (not verified)

Long, long ago I belonged to a spinning guild in Ithaca, NY. - the Black Sheep Handspinners Guild.   One Saturday we had a program on unusual spinning fibers.  One of our members... a lovely Mrs. Beaseley kind of older woman came in with handspun roadkill opossum!  I'll never forget this beautiful gray haired granny telling us of going out to the highway when no one was looking to pick the poor critter up with two fingers and an outstretched arm and carrying it back inside her house.  She plucked it... tucked the fiber in a plastic bag...  stripped naked and soaked in a hot soapy bath for an hour sipping a glass of wine... and then put on her fanciest nightgown. 


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