I have an on-going problem with my 7th harness. Sometimes, after I take my foot off of the treadle, it sticks in place instead of falling down with the rest of its buddies. It seems to happen more often the further into a weaving session I am. It won't stick when I first sit down at the loom, but after a few minutes it will. This has been happening for a long time, but I always thought that it had something to do with the floor being uneven at my old house. But now I'm in a new location on nice solid wood floors, and it is still happening. I have loosened bolts that might be forcing the harnesses to rub against one anther, I have oiled all the little metal hinges, I have even removed all of the harnesses and changed their order. But still, it sticks! And it really slows me down, because I need to stop and lower it with my hands.
My theory is that is might be caused by weight distribution, the unused headles tend to slide around on the harness, and maybe when there are more headles on one side than the other, the harness frame leans and gets wedged against the castle walls. But then, why doesn't it happen to the other harnesses that have just as many unused headles?

Any ideas/ suggestions? Has anyone else had this problem with the Schacht Wolf looms?



claudia (not verified)

Hi Meara,

I have had a similar problem with my 3rd shaft on my 4 shaft Baby Wolf and I solved it by taking the harness out and spraying silicon on the metal part the harness rest in on each side of the loom.  In fact, I sprayed silicon on all the metal moving parts because I read it in their manual.  It worked for me.

Have you considered calling or emailing Schacht?  The have wonderful customer service and they are one of our advertisers on Weavolution.  Try here.


Alison (not verified)


From your post, it sounds as though you have as many heddles on that shaft as the others.  If that isn't the case, it could be that there isn't enough weight on the shaft to have it work properly.

I know you've taken the shaft out of its runners, but you didn't mention if you looked for irregularities in the problem runner itself.  Since it happens after some use, I'd say there is an irregularity that swells with heat.

Have you actually leveled the loom?  It doesn't sound as though that is the problem, especially with your new floor and the fact it is only one shaft.

Schacht has support documents on their website that may give you some ideas also.  I agree with Claudia though, they have great email support - I've used it!


Michael White

Meara, I thought I placed this here before, sometimes I forget to hit save. Something to do with being old.


[email protected]

Stephanie Flynn-Sokolov

Schacht Spindle Co., Inc.

6101 Ben Place

Boulder, CO  80301

303-442-3212; 800-228-2553


suzyhok (not verified)

I'm having the same problem with my 8 shaft Mighty Wolf, but it shifts from one harness to another.  I'll stop and spray some silicon down the harness metal shaft and it works fine and then after a while another harness will stick.  Stop, spray and then another...

I would LOVE to hear the solution!  It is very annoying and definitely slows the shuttle throwing way down!

TinaHilton (not verified)

When I had my Baby Wolf, if I didn't tighten the knobs enough (the ones that keep it from folding) I would have trouble with some of the shafts.  It made the loom get out of square.  Sigh....I miss that loom.

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