Hello, I just wonder how many of you have your own fiber animals?  Do you have a favorite fiber animal? And why is it your favorite?


I just brought home three Welsh Black Mountain Sheep. I love how the fiber feels. I can't wait to shear them next year and start  working with my own fiber. I'm dreaming of beautiful mittens, hats, and socks. I'm not sure about weaving with it, but

what would be your suggestions?






francorios (not verified)

I like the color of your sheep. Knit goods are nice and all, but what about a nice woolen vest woven from your own sheep?

Or think about a woolen shawl.  Even a natural colored woven wool scarf will make you the envy of the snowbank!

Our fiber animals? We used to have angora rabbits. We would blend the angora fiber with sheep wool or alpaca fiber. A little bit of fluffy angora wool goes a long way.

We had to give up the rabbits when we moved into this condo. But in a couple of years we are planning to get back to a larger place and have some animals again. In the meantime, we can buy wool and yarn to feed our fiber habit with the money we are not spending on feed! We were spending $40 to $60 per week on rabbit food and hay. But the baby bunnies were very cute.

Have a good day!

jeannine (not verified)

these are my fiber animals.

Zacky, bearded collie,needs a lot of grooming ;this gives me plenty of soft wooly fiber  ,long and easy to spin.

the other is Cimba, our belgian shepperd dog,his hair falls out with the changing seasons mixed with wool it gives lovely novelty yarn.smell?? after washing with some hairshampoo it smells just  fine.Next to fiber they give us lots of love.

Leatherweaver (not verified)

I like the idea of a woven vest or shawl. I'll have to think on it. We also have a angora - jersey woolly cross rabbit. But I have not really use the fiber from him yet. I just keep collecting.

Dog hair is very warm. I have a friend who made a hat with dog hair. It is so warm that it is hardly even worn.

I've started dreaming of slippers made with the leather and wool from our sheep. : ) By the time I shear them I'll have more ideas than wool. lol


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