Since I missed the beginning of the month in September I thought I would get a head start on October. I can't believe it is October already - where has the year gone? Everyone has been so busy and productive. I am looking forward to weaving in October for Halloweave. Nothing big and fancy but good simple weaving. I enjoy weaving vicariously thoguht all of your projects but am anxious to be actually doing something at the loom! How amny of you are woring on gifts  decorations for the upcoming holidays? Anything you can share to inspire the rest of us?  Weave on all!



sarahnopp (not verified)

I think that is such fun Sally! I got bored with my placemats yesterday and started mucking aobut for fun. I will unweave what I have done, but it helped me with some ideas.


hawing and weaving - should finish off the blue and white warp this evening. The next warp is 16/2 cotton - planning on doing some Acadian patterns, some hand manipulated lace weaves. . . .


Tina, That sounds beautiful! Sally, I'm with you in your experimentations. I am thinking what have I learned from ALL those workshops that I can apply? What technique/s is going to get me there? I usually don't be bop along, it's fun to experiment but hard, hard work too.


is beamed on and I have started threading the 720 ends in the heddles. I am tied up with work stuff tomorrow evening and all day Saturday and then Church stuff (playing organ and piano) Saturday evening and Sunday (playing organ and directing choir) morning so don't know if I will get any weaving done over the next two and a half days or not.


with colleagues this evening and got home early enough to put in about 1/2 hour on threading heddles. woohoo


My weaverly yesterday was helping a friend warp a mirrix loom ( tapestry) which I'm letting her borrow for awhile :) Still trying to stay off my foot as much as possible. I'm really stuck on my clouds on the tapestry sample. I've tried a few things and ripped them out. I e-mailed a teacher of mine for suggested research material on a certain technique and she said not much has been written , that's why she's writing her book! She did say once she got something written on it she would send it to me:) some teachers are SO generous ! In the meantime I will have to keep trying to figure this out !


I think I figured out how to do my wispy clouds. It's a kind of very delicate hatching, which of corse lots has been written about. I started to look thru some tapestry sites and saw one exquisite tap. Which gave me the idea. But no time to do it now because young son and girlfriend are visiting , THEN on weds., Ed and I go to Patagonia! too excited!!!!!!!!! Ankle is doing much better, I've decided to bring it with me:)


that you figured out your clouds.  You have posted about trying to figure them out, but I just do not have enough experience to give you any pointers.  Hatching sounds like a great way to go, it surprises me the different looks you can achieve with hatching.  Have a wonderful trip as well, bring back  lots of inspiration!


so glad you have the clouds figured out and can't wait to hear all about your trip! Wow!


Your right Thereasc about all the different ways to use hatching. So, I've now I've been going thru my tapestry history books and marking inspiration tapestries, which have the kind of look I like . I'm excited about it. I can't wait to see the glaciers that are so many different colors of blues. I think the trip will be an awesome time. Thanks :) Looking forward to seeing what your next Tap is! Cathie


like I have been neglecting this group since i have been posting over in the Active Arachnids. I have been active - the blue and white towels are off the loom, the next set is about halfway threaded, only about 360 heddles left to go. I am also working on getting some projects hemmed and finally finished! Most have been sitting around since March or April.

I find your projects so inspiring and love following along with all the activity in this group. Keep up the good work and weave on!


went very well. I made some money, not scads but definitely good! It seems it is easier for people to buy weaving than painting without thinking about it so much. They walk into my tent and see something and smile! Oooh, and then they hand me YARN money! I talked to many nice, fascinated women and a few men.

Now I am dressing my loom for dish towels since they seem to sell the best even with me inching up the price $1 each time I have a batch to sell. It looks pretty good for getting into our biggest farmers' market this December. So I need many more scarves and dish towels and chilly weather.

I finally managed to post a few tapestry projects I have completed. Cathie, I am glad you figured out the clouds issue. I often get stuck momentarily in tapestry because it is so much more difficult than painting! I have to simplify and transpose in my brain and you know how stubborn brains can be! My tapestry books always help with that ah hah! moment. Well, back to threading the heddles.



Hi I am an advanced beginning weaver.  I've recently begun weaving after several years away.  I have a baby macomber I am trying to like after having sold my 40" Gilmore I loved.  So to "make friends" with it I bought a shawl weaving kit from yarn barn.  Then I decided not to use their pattern.   Now I have wound off all of one color to a shawl length.   The problem is  I want to make the piece wider than the pattern and I haven't got enough of the one color.  I have 229 ends and need 300.  I thought I might  add 71 ends of color 2 to make my 300.  I would like to make it shade from color 1 to color 2 across the width.   My question is how do I figure out a pleasing progression?   And where to place my threads?  Any suggestions would be greatly apreciated. 

Warmly, Kay






  • I am an advanced beginning weaver. I have a project I'm working on.   I have 229 threads of grey and need 300 for the width.   I want to add 71 white to make up the difference.   I'd like to have the warp shade from grey to white but I don't know how to figure out the threading color order.  Any help would be apreciated. 
  • Thanks,
  • Kay


I have been trying to post thos all day and nothing.   Now 4 times!

tien (not verified)


No problem! I went in and deleted some of the "extras".

I have been super silent because no weaving has been going on! First I went to John Marshall's for three days of fabulous katazome classes - three friends and I got together for some private instruction. That was wonderful! And then it took me a week and a half to write it all up. I now have four pages on my website about how to do katazome (the Japanese art of stenciled paste-resist dyeing) - feel free to check them out! I love katazome and will probably do more of it, likely with handwoven cloth.

But this morning starts chocolate season, so the loom will likely be idle awhile! I picked up my yearly chocolate order on Thursday, so I now have 112 pounds of chocolate and 20 lbs of cocoa:

Photo of 112 lbs of chocolate and 20 lbs of cocoa

I'll be trialing six flavors this weekend:

  • Kaffir lime, lemongrass, ginger, coconut milk caramels in dark chocolate
  • pear-sage fruit jelly, with honey ganache (trying dark, white, and milk chocolate ganaches), dipped in dark chocolate
  • Chocolate pistachio fudge
  • Pistachio ganache with kirsch
  • Pistachio/white chocolate gianduja and dark chocolate ganache
  • Walnut gianduja with cinnamon milk chocolate ganache

(Ganache is a mix of chocolate, butter, and cream that is used for chocolate centers; gianduja is a more solid mix of chocolate, nut paste, and confectioner's sugar.)

The chocolate madness will continue through the end of November, at which point I'll FINALLY get back to the loom!


everywhere - it all sounds delicious! And your katazome class sounds fascinating.

I finished threading heddles this morning and started to sley the reed and spent some time fixing threading problems - found two skipped heddles and then needed to track down where the other two had to be hiding - luckily they were fairly close by so got that resolved and started sleying again. I can only do about 3 - 4 inches at a sitting before my lower back starts to scram at me. But it is getting better! So in the meantime I will will finish up a pair of baby booties and start soinning some lucious bfl / silk blend fiber and maybe get a towel or two hemmed before I start sleying again.


can sometimes take forever for dishtowels which is what I am doing now, endorph. My back or neck complain about it too so I take breaks for other projects. Ergonomically, that's what we are supposed to do. I can't stay in any ones position for long but that's OK. I have a few inches left so after winding the warp, I'll be ready to weave!


is tied on and after futzing with tension issues and some sticky warp issues I think I am ready to start weaving. yippeee!


am going to have to go to my LYS to get some dark blue 16/2 cotton - how sad is that? NOT! I will grab onto any excuse to take a trip out to Fiber Crafts!

tien (not verified)

LOL! I wonder how many other yarns will follow you home... :-)


to say I only came away with 2 partial cones of 16/2 cotton - a light blue and a dark brown - the dark blue that I wanted is on back order but one of the staff thinks she might have some in her stash at home and will look for me. So all in all I was a good girl at the store - Of course I will be back there on Saturday for my knitting group so we'll see how that visit goes ! :)

sally orgren

Cathie, your comment (here at Weavo) about the Ethel Stein show in Chicago led to the mention of it in the upcoming issue of SS&D!

And if anyone is in the Racine, WI area in the next few months, I would love to hear feedback about the Kruk exhibit!

My experimental sampler is almost completed. I had to rethread and resley more than once. I am trying to decide how to finish off the last little bit, can I make something useful out of it? Or more experimentation to the bitter end? The 1/32 black ash was nice, the smallest round reed elongated the design too much. Ironically, I am thinking to return to the traditional linen weft!

I see TP in the trees... Guess that means Halloween is HERE!

Group Audience