Srping has sprung the grass is riz, I wonderwhere the flowers iz? Hope everyone is doing well - best wishes to those in our group recovering from illnesses and surgeries. Another month is upon us - weave on everyone!



Tien and Queezle,


below is a pic of 1 side of the box. Plywood, there can be a middle sections, and then the outside section so you can make them really wide.The holes are drilled as you can see in arcs, all the plywoods have the same arcs. Then plexiglass tube fits into the holes and holds it together. As to how it works I only have reading knowledge. I highly suggest Japanese Ikat Weaving by Jun and Norika Tomita, it's a great book! They have plans onhow to build a shifting box ( the arcs arn't abitrarily spaced and drilled, geometry!), and how to use it. If it is out of print PM me. (sorry about the crooked pic. that's a book behind there not a stand!)

shifting box one side

bjr1957 success or disaster.  I guess I just like standing on the cliff's edge.  This will be a 4 shaft pattern for now.  Gotta get the other heddle bars for the 4 new shafts at a later date.Ane We'er Off


Tien and Queezle, Just checked and u can get the book on Amazon , used for $30.00, expensive for a skinny book but I think, it's the one to have for ikat, kasuri, even has Indigo vats, shifting box. Bjr1957, way to go! That's how we learn! Erica, I agree, beautiful dyeing, and the fence is too cool! My Weaverliness ; finishing the tablet weaving warp, almost done :) Plus starting to fix those lovely weird knots I did on the tapestry rod instead of larks head ! I have a wonderful burst of energy this morning, better not talk and get my hands busy. One more thing, Laura so good you're weaving so naturally now! Hooray!

tien (not verified)

Heh! I have a copy of that book! I just haven't read it yet. I'll go read it now. :-)

I am now down to two exercises to write for the book, and then it should be DONE! I'll do another read-through and fix the chapter references, and then I'll send it back out to my beta readers, editor, and the artists who contributed. But I am not planning on making any more major changes.

tien (not verified)

bjr1957, what is your threading? What pattern(s) are you planning to weave?

Inquiring minds want to know! :-)

sally orgren

I want to weave off the curtain fabric NOW, but discovered I will run out of the linen weft in 2 more yards, so I had to stop to order more.

I can't wait to get the next project on the loom, 16/2 cotolin dishtowels in a Franz Donat pattern. I have the draft and yarn waiting.

So, I went back to my Crackle warp from the March workshop to work through the exercises. Meanwhile, I have two looms sitting in my office, in high anticipation of the JOY workshop that begins Monday-Woo Hoo!


Sally, Thanks for mentioning Franz Donat with whom I was not familiar. Wow , what an incredible collection of drafts. Find these drafts and thousands more on it's free for personal use. It's worth supporting too:) I started weaving today on twirling girl, two threading mistakes which I'll fix tomorrow. But outside of that I'm darn pleased:)

Erica J

Yesterday, I dyed some handspun yarn (from another friend) ans a bit of the commercial wool with madder. It is still in the dyebath, because The Dyer's Garden recommends leaving it for a day. I'll see how that looks today. If I like it, I will put the rest in for my students.

I also worked on weft faced samples from Tabby to Taquete, re-recorded my exploring twills class, and got half way through the tgreading of my 16 Shaft waffle weave! 16 shafts really is as simple as 4, you just break it down to 4 sets of 4! ;)

sally orgren

Strap us IN – we're ready to go to the JOY workshop! Smile

Hey! There's room in the middle for a little Structo 240, if anyone wants to ride along...



Have Fun! Daily Weaverliness today is repairing the lark's head knots on my tapestry warp, Beauty has been so patient:) Another burst full energy day, I'll take it


for a while, but got back to it this past weekend.  Finally wove off the bath mats, they need to be wet-finished and hemmed.  Also finished off a scarf, that is on the twisting board right now and beamed a towel warp on the loom that the scarf was on.  Seems I am back in the grove again.

There has been some really fun things happening here this month, I might not have been weaving, but I was lurking the whole time:-)

silk and rayon scarf

The scarf on the twisting board, even with that I still do not enjoy twisting fringe.


Thereasc, I really like your scarf! The colors are very pretty, can't really tell, but is that a twill of some sort? I have never seen a twisting board, how does it work? You know, curious minds.......( did not kill the cat!) Cathie Absolutely beautiful spring day here! I'm wondering how it is for our friends up north Laura and ReedGuy? Still have a month to go?


There isn't any snow left but our weather continues to be chilly, freezing again over night. Yesterday I went to visit a friend not wearing a jacket because it was so sunny out, took one step out the door and immediately turned around and went back because the wind was so cold! Required weaving content...


My previous comment got truncated... I need to wind two more warps for the lace workshop because two more signed up. Brand new wanna be weavers. I said I would take them because the looms will all be dressed for them. After years of watching weavers stop weaving and no interest in it, locally, this past year has suddenly seen more people asking for weaving classes. Makes my heart go pitta pat! :) If I can tear myself away from the Internet, I'd also like to weave at least one shawl this morning. Cheers Laura


is a crepe and interlocking twill that I found in Strickler's 8-shaft pattern book - I just love that book.  It seems like I always find something new to try.  The twisting board is a piece of foam insulation with a grid marked on it to pin projects to.  I posted about it here.



In the 60's today, swallows are back as well as the geese.


Thereasc - thanks- also didn't realize that group existed! Love Strickler, could read it like a novel:) Funny coincidence Laura that you're getting ready for a Lace Workshop, since that is what I'm working on this summer. I'll teach a class next winter. Up to Michigan we go this weekend and I'll get the loom warped with huck.first set of samples I want are the same pattern woven in different fibers; cotton, rayon/ Bambu, wool, silk, so the students can see the differences. Today larks head knots:) not for long , but I'm making progress which makes me very, very happy!

tien (not verified)

Out here, it was 82 yesterday. I had the air conditioner going full blast in the bedroom. Today was cooler, in the mid-70's. Later this week, up to mid-80's again. We're basically in early summer here - the roses are blooming like crazy, and our blueberries are ripening. The squirrels are eating all the almonds off our almond tree, as usual.

Weaving-wise, I've been cursing my auto-advance unit. It was doing just fine for the first ten inches, then suddenly started leaping ahead for about four inches, and then suddenly went back to its original advance amount. The total variance was almost 15%, enough to make one very long sea turtle amidst a sea of shorter ones. I had hoped to enter this scarf into shows, but there's just no way I can put in something with such a glaring flaw. Fortunately I need to weave samples for a sample exchange anyway; I'll just finish weaving enough for samples and then try again, hoping the auto-advance will be more consistent next time.

I'm also thinking about what to weave on the next warp. I had been thinking echo weave, but now I'm considering either matelasse or velvet. Or both, if I can figure out how to do both on the same warp. Madness, I know!


On the count down from 18, this is warp number 7 with one of the three shawls woven.  The cones are the weft for the other two on this warp.  Colours aren't quite true to life.  My camera doens't seem to handle reds very well.  The cloth is actually a more orange coral, not the somewhat pinkish red I see on my monitor.  Details on my blog.




I have one more repeat to go with threading my overshot project. That's 485 threads. :D I have been slow at it because of the nice whether. I'm outside in the woods doing other things that need do'n and soon yard work once the snow is gone. :)


After warm Jan-Feb-March, we got a terrific storm, with lots of snow! 

My weaverliness was to finish the warp for my wedding gift, and get it hemmed - just in time!  I am now tidying up the house so I can host my guild's study group (focusing on Mary Atwater's Shuttlecraft Bulletins).  But obviously, instead of pushing the dustcloth, I am dusting off my keyboard with my fingertips! 

Sally - I loved seeing your "babies" strapped into the back seat, Laura - lovely shawls, and Theresasc, beautiful colors on your scarf (I love blue and brown).  Tien, if anyone can tame an autoadvance, my money is on you! 


Two warps more put on.  Seems I needed practice on my warping board.  I have ruined two warps now.  Third time has GOT to be a charm.



a very basic 2/2 twill for a pillow cover.  Some friends of mine made this old loom work again and they deserve a first project off of this restored machine.  I just have to stop ruining warps.  New weaver mistakes.  I am not deterred.  I will get some fabric done!

Thanks for asking.  Your turtles are just wonderful.  Hope to get to the skill level you have.  I just have to keep plugging away and not get discouraged!!

Barb R.


Barb, we have all been there.  I learned to weave in my early 20's, then while I was raising kids and trying to get tenure in a high powered job, it became lower priority.  16 years later, I've got tenure and am secure, and one kid is off to college.  My first "new" warp in my self life as a weaver was also ruined - for me it was a wake up call about aging eyes.  And then I threaded my loom but put the warp on wrong and couldn't get a shed.  And I know more mistakes lie ahead.  You will get it, just keep trying.  And keep us posted!


bjr1957, Yes, we've all been there! You will get there, have "AHA" moments, and get the warp woven. In the meantime if you have troubles or questions don't hesitate to ask, we're asking each other things all the time! Nothing is considered to much of a beginner question either:) Reading Lace Weaves by Donna Muller, Ah , Wonderful!

sally orgren

I was enthralled with the airport exhibit Flight Patterns in Terminal T of Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson airport today. It's a textile-fiber exhibit with the theme of "flight" and the work is completely engaging. (Enough to stop busy travelers in their tracks, as you can see!)

(Yes, behind the white dress is Latitude, by Bhakti Ziek.)

Has anyone else seen this exhibit?


Erica J

This photo shows TJ's very first weaving. He will be 3 this summer. On Thursday he went to the loom in the sitting room, picked up a shuttle and said weave! I treadled and he threw the shuttle, with a bit of help.  I think you can tell what he wove vs. the end of my latest sample. I think the sett is too close. So I'll be cutting both off, finishung them, and resleighing.


Are my friend. ;) Exactly one week to the lace weave workshop and I have *8* students. Two more were interested but could not attend those dates. We are dressing the guild looms plus two participants are bringing their small looms. The guild room has become a repository for all sorts of stuff so having such a large class, in comparison to recent offerings, means a massive clean up and shuffling to get looms out from being jammed in corners. It's very exciting to see growing interest in weaving. Not only that, but the beginning weaving class next month already has three people interested. Squeeee! Cheers Laura

tien (not verified)

Congratulations to Erica on having made a new weaver! and to Laura for helping current weavers learn. :-)

I have spent most of the past week playing with drafts. I wanted to see if I could weave matelasse and velvet on the same warp. Turns out it's quite feasible, but assembling the draft is rather complicated. I did a very simple design as a "proof-of-concept", but now that I know how to construct both structures, I'll try to work up something more interesting.

I'm also studying ArahWeave, jacquard design software that I just bought. It's quite complex and is obviously going to take some time to master.

Finally, I'm weaving on the sea turtles again. I gave up on making the last set into something usable, and decided to make it into samples instead. I just restarted the scarf after adjusting the auto-advance. Hopefully the adjustment will fix my auto-advance problems.


Yes great applause to Erica and Laura for bringing a possible future and probable weavers into the fold! Laura I agree, people are looking for something to do in retirement. Most of the people who are coming to our guild are recently retired, although , we are getting the occasional college student too, almost broke but somehow they find a way:) we've all been / are there! Off to Michigan today with lace weave books under my arm. I'm taking Handwoven Laces by Donna Muller( my fav) , The Best of Weavers Huck Lace, Lace Weaves Portfolio byLeslieVoiers , and can't forget Mastering Weave Structures by Sharon Alderman. Plus the DVD Weaving Lace by Madelyn van de Hooght's which I've watched, but it has class notes you print out which I haven't looked at yet. I'm hoping I'm going to be able to weave. So I'm taking assorted cottons with me for some lace weaving. Also, exciting news! I hope, I wish, I hope again, that I'll be going to Scotland in the Fall to study with Joan Baxter, Tapestry artist supreme. I just e-mailed yesterday to see if there's room in the class, and if there is, yikes, I plan to go! Fingers crossed!

Erica J

We always have pancakes for Sunday breakfast, so I guess it's ironic I rinally started my waffle weave sample. The good news is, it is within 2 ppi of being exactly balanced!!! I also resleighed my weft faced warp  and started on 2/2 on opposites. I love the look of this method! 

I did say a little right!


Isn't it exciting to see those waffle cells forming? 


Just tested the modified live weight tension set up on my Leclerc Fanny.  Tentatively declaring it 'promising' but will have to test it some more.  Info on my blog but here's a pic:


Just tested the modified live weight tension set up on my Leclerc Fanny.  Tentatively declaring it 'promising' but will have to test it some more.  Info on my blog but here's a pic:


Dear Friends,

The weather was so beautiful today, i took my loom into the backyard to weave outdoors.  I'm weaving off samples from the JOY workshop that i attended w Sally's Dimity and 12 harness twill looms.  My loom is an 8 harness Jane, i'm weaving crepe.  I was expecting to be distracted and not have the best cloth quality, but to my surprise, my selvedges were the best they have ever been and i made few errors,so there was little unweaving!  Was it the fresh air or the vitamin D that caused the improvement?


I have always wanted to have a Weaving in Public event at the local diner, where everyone would weave waffle weave at the Waffle House!


Came across one fellow on youtube weaving at his 200+ year old Scandanavian loom. Sitting there in his carharts weaving a rag rug and a skiff of snow was on the ground around him. :D


Hearty folk, love it:) Today I'm intending to design some huck lace samples :) fun! Made it to driving to Michigan yesterday through buckets and buckets of rain, and all I could think was yes we need rain here too, but save some and send it out to California ,please!


At long last, the bath mats are done.  I cannot remember weaving a piece of cloth that has pleased me as much as this has.  I am not super crazy about how the colors came out, I find that organic colored cotton can give me iffy results, color-wise.  But the stiched double cloth rocks!  I absolutely LOVE the way this cloth feels.  It is everything that I had hoped for when I started this out.  I wish you all could feel this cloth, it is soft and strong and heavy and plyable and.....

I also learned how to hand sew a hem.  One of the gals in my local weaving group is a quilter and quilters know how to hand sew.  So she gave me a lesson on hand-sewing and the hems came together just right.  I had woven the hems as tubes and folded them in.  Machine sewing just would not have worked.  I posted the finished project here.  I even managed to post the draft as well.  All kinds of new skills with this one:-)


After several false starts and abandoning 2/2 twills because they looked boring, this newby weaver finally had some point draft fun!Point Draft p 71 HPD This draft is from the Handweaver's Pattern Directory p 71 at the bottom of the page.




Hello, all, I was in the JOY workshop with Sally, I am joining this group to motivate myself to weave samples for those in the round robin workshop who didn't get to weave on my loom, and to incorporate daily Weaverliness into my schedule. Xo Gail


Welcome aboard, there's lots to weave. :)

sally orgren

Like Gail, I am weaving off samples for those who did not get a chance to weave on my two looms from the JOY workshop. It feels a bit like a progressive dinner: I am bringing my loom to other's homes so they can weave their sample on my loom, meanwhile, I weave my sample on their loom. It's been great fun having these weaving dates in the evenings after work.

On another note, a very large donation of weaving yarns came unexpectedly into my world this weekend. I mean HUNDREDS of pounds of coned yarn. It took more than one trip to transport all the yarn to my garage. I had a guildmate do an assessment yesterday, and we are having an impromptu yarn sale this Sunday, 12-4. This is all coned yarn, well-stored, high quality for weaving, from a professional who left the industry.

If you ever get the "destash call", the first thing you need to do is buy at least 50 clear garbage bags. (Ask me know I know.) The sheer number of blue rubbermaid tubs wouldn't fit in my car, so we had to make the packaging "squishy" to fit in all the crevices. This is more yarn than I could ever imagine weaving in a few lifetimes.

The proceeds of this sale will go to the guild. Although I know this has happened to others, this is my first time helping to de-stash an accumulation of yarn in mass quantity, and yes, it is a little intimidating.

(FYI, for those attending MAFA this summer, there will be another destash sale of Ellen D's studio, the proceeds to benefit MAFA scholarship funding, I believe.)


Been there, done that, too many times already. :( Clear bags are essential. Also gloves and dust masks if the yarn is dusty. My guild just got another donation of yarn and looms. It is sad to think of these things getting thrown away so we took everything. With a beginning class next month, some of the yarn will be used for that. DH has spent hours getting the looms, stored for 13 years, functional again. All of which is to say, have a plan for the disbursement of your studio/stash. I have two people lined up to help with my stuff, but in the meantime I'm trying to weave down my stash, part of which is 100's of pounds I inherited from a friend when she passed... Cheers Laura With many lifetimes of yarn to use up!


Thereasc, Love your bathmats! They look like they would be so soft underfoot, and they are pretty too:) bjr, Good for you! That's one of my fav books too! Ms. Thimble, welcome! Lots of busy weavers here:) Sally, are you kidding? What a haul for your Guild! Talk about stash busting! I intended to design Huck Lace Samples but got sidetracked by reading more about loom controlled Handwoven Laces. I think this is weaverly . it's interesting to see who considers which weave lace, while others have other opinions. For instance Muller considers some Basket weaves, not all, to be lace, if one considers sett, materials. I don't agree because it doesn't have have spots. Laura, how do you weigh in on Basket Weave and Lace? Cathie


Any cloth that has 'holes' in could be considered a lace weave.  Lace weaves don't have to have 'spots', they have to have 'holes'...

Just my 2 cents.



Erica J

I still haven't done more than a few inches of lace. So this discussion is interesting.

I did some yarn wraps for a new piece, the design concept is "stones". It's the first excercise I am doing out of A Fibre Artist's Guide to Color. The first excercise is to design in neutrels and reviewing information elsewhere it was noted that grey can stand for earth, wood, and stones. The stones part stuck with me and that is the design I'm going for. I left the wraps at work, but will post photos later. I think another nice straight draw warp, and getting out Fibreworks is in order to see what stoney drafts I can create!

I think I'll go do a few repeats on the waffle weave, while Oliver gets the shop set up for making sprang frames!


Thank you Laura! I like that way of looking at it. I have several books here of loom controlled handwoven laces. None of them agree with each other with what they include in their lists. If they looked at the lace as having holes they might agree! Of course they might find something else to disagree upon:) I love handwoven laces, such diversity between them. The class I'm teaching isn't until 2016, it's for intermediates. I haven't taught this class before, so I'm happy to start the prep work now. I'll have linen, silk, cotton, and maybe a zephyr , on the looms ( students dress the looms before class except I'll help with the linen) . Then it will be a round robin style, different laces on several of the looms, same lace different pattern on others. That way if students don't get all the way around they have at least 1 sample of each weave. I think it's going to be really fun! Erica - I hope you find the wrappings a good design tool. I think they are a great way to start a project. Today I'm winding a warp, hopefully my noggin will cooperate:)


Oh , if you can tolerate more ramble; I am going to Scotland to study Tapestry with Joan Baxter! So lucky:)
Group Audience