I found a Rigby cloth strippping machine for $50.  Is this a good purchase?  It's a model C, not sure of it's age but it looks okay to me from the photo.  No rust.  Would I be able to use this to cut heavy things like towels?  

My next rugs will be for the bathroom and I have several towels and an old terry cloth robe.  I was planning on using them to make the rugs.  I am concerned about cutting them into strips and my hands are very bad.  Would this cutter be helpful to own and use?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.



Claudia Segal (not verified)

I decided to buy it.  The heads and blades can all be replaced if that turns out to need it and it looks like it's in good condition.  I will soon be the proud owner of another weaving-related machine.  My studio grows.


Caroline (not verified)

Let us know how it goes! I  was considering one myself, but have heard conflicting reports on these cutters. It was suggested that it may be easier to use a rotary cutter and a metal ruler. I have hand problems too, arthritis,  so a lot depends on the actual shape of the tool in my hand and how easy it is to grasp it.  I've used one of those little plastic cutters, but that requires 2 free hands to manipulate the fabric, and its not the right shape to securely attach to any of my work surfaces, so I tend to cut and rip, a little at a time. Very boring and somewhat slow.

Claudia Segal (not verified)

Glad to hear from someone who tried the plastic cutter.  I was considering that one too because the price is right.  

I'll let you know how this goes, I was very concerned about how to make use of the towels and how I was going to cut them.  I'm hoping this works out.

steve104c (not verified)

Claudia,Caroline, I have two Rigby Cutters, model B's. They are the single blade. Your cutter Caludia has a multi cutter roller and and single blade cutter. You can use either one. It's a nice cutter. The Co. is still around and will sharpen blades but $$$$$. You can sharpen them yourself. I have, and with very good results. Be careful not to tight down the roller too much , just when there is a slight resistance on the wing nut. It takes a little time to get use to feeding the fabric. Once you get the hang of it you will enjoy it. I made a stand for mine so I can use it when I'm sitting on the sofa watching tv. I can send you info. on how to sharpen and a pic. of the stand I made............Steve. PS Your cutter new would go for well over $200.00.