Weavolution is a volunteer organization. No one is paid for their work and we are all volunteers. Most give what ever they can offer when they can do it.

We currently have a few positions available for volunteers. What would you like to do? Do you have 2-4 hours a week or even 4 hours a month to help out?

Please write and tell me what interest you and what you would like to do to lend a hand behind the scenes at Weavolution. Either pm me here or email at [email protected]



Mary C (not verified)

I would like to help and am a responsible volunteer.  Finally got my pictures uploaded successfully!

What can I do to help?

claudia (not verified)

Glad it worked out Mary. 

Thank you for the offer to help. We have a big project coming up and need all the hands we can muster.  Please join the Weavolutionaries group, that's where we'll be leaving notes for the volunteers.

Welcome aboard.
