davewhiz (not verified)

I found a error in your draft above.  You accidentially added an extra pick.  Delete pick 40 (top row) and it works perfectly.  Thanks for posting the draft, its beautiful.

Mary Rios (not verified)

Beware of the 35 end float that this draft create- even if your warp is sett at 36 epi, the float is 1 inch! i'm trying to resolve this now, because i've threaded my loom - and am trying to save the pattern... any ideas?

neweaver (not verified)

I'm realatively new to weaving and don't know how to figure out the tie up or treadling on this shadow weave can you help?  It is such a beautiful pattern.  Thanks for any assistance you can lend.


Mary Rios (not verified)

Hi Kerstin,

Did you have to do any modifications to this draft from Handweavers.net? I was fiddling with it and saw that it had a 35 end float - your's doesn't. Even when i thought I added the plain weave, i still had that nasty float. How'd you do this!? Brilliant. Thank you.


Weeweaver (not verified)

This draft looks like coffee beans to me.

SallyE (not verified)

Here is the vest that I made from this cloth.   The clasp in the front is an antique silver belt buckle from my small collection of such things.   I purposely cut one panel at right angles from the rest to make the orange part flow in a different direction. For some reason, the second picture got "stretched" - the proportions are wrong. . . .

hottoddie13 (not verified)

lovely, simply lovely

B P (not verified)

Sally, thanks so much for posting this draft. I really like the threading and the resulting design.


SallyE (not verified)

Note that treddles 17 and 18 are just a tabby tie up.   I use that at the beginning and end of the weaving to get something I can turn under or hem when sewing.