Acquired this beautiful super fine silk.  Need help with a weave structure or pattern that accommodates this beautiful thread-like silk.  Has anyone used fine silk?  How do I handle it? Multiple strands per dent for warp?  What epi would you use?  I assume a balanced weave. Help!  


Ellen (not verified)

You don't mention what count your silk is. I have woven quite a few silk projects and don't find it any more difficult to use than a fine mercerized cotton, really. You are welcome to look at my projects page and come back with questions. I have used 20/2, 30/ 2, 60/2 and 80/2....

The beauty of silk makes it such a pleasure to work with. Have fun!


tien (not verified)

You can use pretty much any weave pattern with silk than you would with any other fiber.  If it is a fine silk, you can have longer floats (over more threads) than you would with a thicker yarn, because the sett is closer.  An 8-end float at a sett of 60, for example, is only about 1/8" and is fine, whereas with a heavy yarn at a sett of 24 that would be quite long.

Longer floats will show off the shine of the silk, so satins and twills are prettier than plain weave IMHO - but silk will be beautiful no matter what the weave structure.  (Can you tell it's my favorite fiber?)

You don't mention the size of your silk yarn.  What is it?  That will be important (along with the weave structure) for determining the sett.

I have used up to 4 threads/dent with no problem (and I'm told people have used more) - that said, Lillian Whipple, who is an expert in fine threads, recommends no more than 3 threads/dent.  Experiment and see what works for you.

I wove my wedding-dress with a 60/2 silk warp and had a great time with it.  I know Lillian Whipple has done up to 210/2 silk, but I usually use either 30/2 or 60/2.  It's my favorite fiber - great stuff!