Finally getting to assemble the Varpapuu Dalia in its new space.  I have a choice of two different holes for each bar that holds the upper and lower lamms, and I could put the bars on either the left or right side.  The pawls will be on the right. I am right handed.   I've seen countermarches with the rods opposite from the pawls, and some with them on the same side. Any reason to prefer one or the other?

In placing the rods, should I maximize distance between the lamms? Between the upper lamms and the shaft bars? or between the lower lamms and the treadles?  Configuration is 4h/6t to start but I am hoping to expand to 8/8 fairly quickly, and would prefer not to have to unbolt the gables to do it.

More than anything, I'd like to understand the principles involved.

Thanks, as always.



Joanne Hall

Hi Mary,

I had to make this decision on a Toika loom recently.  Yes, set the lamms so that the space between them is about equal to the space between the upper lamms and the shaft bars and the space between the lower lamms and the treadles.  Plan to have the treadles sitting parallel to the floor, or about 5 inches from the floor.  You can always adjust thelamm and treadle height later, but this is a start.  All the parts move when you treadle so they all need space to move.  A good resource is the book, Tying up the Countermarch Loom.



Thanks.  The treadle rod also has an upper and lower setting. I am starting with all three bars in their lower position.  Spacing between treadles and lamms looks good, but this means the shaft bars will sit lower than I was picturing (even with Joanne's book). I'll just have to proceed with beaming and tie-up to find out.

Anyone Toika owners know why the range of positions for lamm and treadle bars? Is the variant factor something to do with # of shafts, my height, or something else?

Joanne Hall

Hi MaryMartha,

The reason there is a choice of treadle holding positions is that you put the treadles in the top position for tying the treadle cords and then into the lowest position for treadling.  This makes the front cords a little longer to get a good shed.  I have instructions for this in the tie-up instructions for the Julia countermarch loom tie-up. 

The choice of positions for the lamms may partly be due to the fact that many Scandinavian looms are made to be tied up both as counterbalance and countermarch and when you only have one set of lamms, you can choose a center position.  It can also vary if you change the size of the heddles.  Long eyed heddles are longer.  And, some of these looms are made to have a drawloom added.  Adding a drawloom means that you have longer heddles. You might ask Toika for some answers as your loom is similar to theirs.


Joanne Hall

Quoting MM, "but this means the shaft bars will sit lower than I was picturing (even with Joanne's book)."


Hi MaryMartha,

The height of your shafts is determined by the tensioned warp threads.  The placement of the lamms does not change the height of the shafts.  If the upper lamms are too close to the shafts, then the lamms are too high.
