I think they are some problems with the Munsell notations of the reds,  the pure colors.

First my experience makes me think that scarlet should be a yellow red.  The name indicates that others thought so too.  From what I can see in the pics , it looks like a yellow red to me-- the palest DOS looks coral, right.  From what I know that means that that the hue should be greater than 5R up to 10R.  Could you all please check this and correct the spreadsheet if you change your mind.

Peggy, you have both scarlet and deep red as 5R, and you maybe more correct in the hue than the others.  But I bet they are not identical in hue.  Could you please estimate the hue # a bit , make the blue of the two reds 4.9 or 4R and the yellower one 5.1R or greater?  This will help when you go to mix.

By convention scarlet is a yellow based red and fuchsia is a blue based one, usually of high chroma.  For example I could say that Lanasets have no fuchsia, that is why we use Polar Red a fuchsia from another set of dyes.  Gold is a red based yellow, turquoise and cyan are yellow based blues and  navy is a blackened blue.


None of you tried to mix 5YR from rust brown, even though it is in YR hue family, nor would you use Navy for  5PB; they both have low chroma and are dark.  For the same reasons Emerald Green is not much use for 5G.  There are uses for these colors, but not in mixing clear, bright colors like we need for the color wheel. Emerald Green is used in Forest greens and teals and Navy in Air Force or Midnight blue.


Gold is the most used yellow, used in most mixtures because the clear yellow is so weak tintorially that it has little impact mixed into a strong color.

There will soon be a new spreadsheet for the formulas you used to make the colors for your color wheel.


Mary Rios (not verified)

Hi Karren, I'm definetly in the 2.5R range - my scarlet is bluer than more yellow.

To get 5R, i'd like to use my Scarlet 2.5R 5/14, and Mustard Yellow (my 2.5YR 7/14) to bring it up from 2.5R to 5R - does this make sense? But both my pures are a /14 - how can I keep my chroma up for the 5R 5/14? If i mix the two, it will lower the chroma.

Thanks for any insight.


I spent the entire day dyeing. I have a large library but few matches! Still plugging and the light is beginning to shine a higher chroma!

Karren K. Brito

Soo glad you are improving your chroma!

If you mix too very similar colors you lower the chroma less.  I usually get 5R from scarlet and red.   On the spreadsheet, your line, these two red are on opposite sides of 5R  so try mixing them. 

I wonder if ProChem mixed them up?  Cathie has similar results.  When and where did you buy these dyes?  Can you check the labels on the jars of powder.  Any chance they got  mixed up while making the stock solutions?

Mary Rios (not verified)

The label is Pro Chemical & Dye

Sabraset Scarlet 380

Sabraset/Lanaset Dye

I bought it before the class started.


pjdoney (not verified)

Karren, I just went and looked again at Scarlet .55% and it matches the 5R 6/ 12 still.  I did change Scarlet 2.2% from 5R to 5.1 R 4/ 13 as the Scarlet wool yarn is just a little bit off from the chart (needed yellow).  The Deep Red was one of those colors that I wasn't happy with my notation so it is now 3.5R 3/ 8 instead of 5R 3/ 8. 

I was fascinated that without looking at my previous notations that I would still go right to the same value and chroma.