The Union Loom we are renovating has both numbers and the name of the loom stenciled on to it.  After 90 years, the ink is fading.  What kind of ink or paint might help me brighten up the print, not run into the grain of the wood, and can take a polyurethane coating?


Claudia Segal (not verified)

Wow, that's a good question.  I'm not even sure how to Google that question.  You might try posting this in the Weaving or Chat forum.  You will get more eyes there and someone may be able to help.


Michael White

Before you put on that poly coating ( 90 years ago they didn't have poly)you need to find out what the finish is on the loom. Let me check with Leslie at Riverside Loom Works. She is the keeped of parts for Union Looms. I will get back to you.


illoominated (not verified)

I've been wondering about a contact for loom parts. The original crank for the back beam is gone.  So, I emailed Leslie and hope to hear back from her.  

Michael White

this morning. She was not certain of the finish. I am thinking the finish would be varnish. I would test a spot with paint thiner and see is it softens the finish. If it is a varnish finish I would seal the printed area with two coats (cut the first with 25% alcohol) clear shellack. Then redo the printing with oil paint. Seal this with shellack. Then find a poly that will go over an oil base finish.
