We all need resources to inspire and continue to learn weaving! That's why weavolution was created! There are many other great resources out there and I love variety in teaching & learning!
A side from this group and the many other resources available here on Weavolution. I will keep an ongoing list of resources I recommend for you. I would love to hear from you all about other resources you come across!
Your local guild! We created Weavolution to be a 24-7 guild, we also always recommend that weavers participate in their local guilds. Pictures posted here are great, but when you go to your guild you can touch and feel other artists work! They also have physical libraries and equipment you can check out. This can be a great way to try out even more looms before you decide to buy.
Weaver's Journals, they're all available online as PDF downloads. I've dowloaded them all and periodically dedicate time to read through them, a year or two at a time.
Weaving Online Digiral Archive also hosts many other resources that are out of copyright or where the copyright holder has signed permission for the work to be freely posted here.
Handwoven Magazine
Weaver's Magazine is now out of print, but check with your guild to see if they have issues you can check out, or you can usually find copies in good condition online.
Weavolution's Project calculation page