What is the best use for the Product pages?

--- to record a finished project

--- to record the steps taken in a project



Both of the above are great uses.

You can also add a draft.

I've also put in special events photos just to share and have for my reference in the future. 

Jump over to my project to see examples of how I've used the peoject page.


Hi, I can't find the loom in the box (but it's in our Looms listing), and I don't see a way to add it. When I went back to check on my project, I see that Easy Weaver (nid ????) is in the box, but no name shows up on the Project Page.

What am I doing wrong? I've tried on two browsers (Chrome & FireFox).



Please copy and past the link to the specific project you are talking about and I will look into it!





Here you go. Thanks. 

Erica J

The databse somehow allowed you to select a loom that was not actually published. I found the published version of  the 15" Easy Weaver loom and added it to your project. Thank you for asking this question! We have solution to prevent this from hapenning again and will work to implement it as soon as possible.

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