Here are photos of my fresh-off-the-loom rugs.  Warp is commercial cotton, weft handspun, hand dyed, Romney wool.



mystictree (not verified)

I love the colours. I'm just itching to get my looms repaired and working.



Aunt Janet (not verified)

I love the colors, too.  This was a stash busting project.  I had bags of hand spun rug yarn.  Some was dyed in the colors you saw above, the rest was various grays. as seen in this photo of the other side of the same rug.    You can barely see the colors peaking under the selvage.  I'm going to finish it with a black cross knit edging all around the rug.

The other rug of hand spun wool weft on the same warp is in this image:

francorios (not verified)

That is so beautiful!

Have a good day!

Aunt Janet (not verified)

Thanks, Franco.  I'm adding black trim all the way around the double faced rug using the cross knit looping that Laverne taught us.  I like the finished look of the black outline.


jornada (not verified) pretty............makes me want to get to the loom.  Alas...............too much work (at work).  Thanks so much for sharing and encouraging me!



suzyhok (not verified)

Your rugs are beautiful and the expression of your son (?) is priceless.  

Aunt Janet (not verified)

Thanks Suzy,

   That is my grandson in the photos.  He is quite the ham at five years old.

Aunt Janet (not verified)

If you look back at the photo above with my grandson standing, you will see a band loom.  This is a loom in the process of being refined.  I got the plans for it on line, but it needs some tweaking to make it work.  I'm going to like it once we get it refined.

Also, if you look at the floor under the rug you will see my hand made paper floor.  I made the paper from plants around the farm including red hot poker leaf, wild iris leaf, corn husks and leaf, garlic leaf, along with some abaca linter (available from paper maker suppliers), and cow poop.  I then used tile adhesive to lay the paper, and covered it with ten layers of poly ureseal.  It has held out for several years now.

Just thought you all might be interested.


Aunt Janet (not verified)

I thought you would get a kick out of that floor.  I actually got to spinning and weaving through paper making.  I was a watercolor artist.  I learned papermaking so I could make watercolor paper.  I dinked around with papermaking with some friends for a while.  We made stationery, paper sculptures, etc.  I'd like to do some more one of these days.  Then another friend started up our local fiber fair, which I attended, with my paper making stuff.  I sold paper and taught paper making.  I saw all that fiber stuff and put blinders on.  I knew I didn't want a new craft, even if this stuff looked pretty cool.  Well, the second year I learned how to use a Navaho spindle.  My landlady had an old Louet 75 which she let me borrow.  The following year I bought my own. Then my kids wanted one, too, because they could never get any time on mine.  I still have those two wheels, plus another Louet, a great wheel, a charka, and a home-made wheel looking something like a Penguin wheel. 

Weaving took me a little longer to get into.  My daughter started inkle weaving and i did a little of that.  My boyfriend at the time built a Navaho type loom on which I wove a few rugs.  I took a few workshops and was off and running.  I recently acquired the big Glimakra Standard, and I'm now considering myself a weaver.  I still enjoy band weaving, including backstrap weaving.  I own four band looms that are functional, and a few that aren't.

Nope, no treadles on the loom.  It is an inkle loom, hand manipulated.  Ya know, I just don't get it how somebody posts and sells plans for a loom that doesn't function. If it was designed by a weaver, they missed.   It only needs some holes drilled into the spools to make it work, but that wasn't in the plans.  Otherwise it was made by a friend out of "waste" cherry wood.  The next one will have the cross piece higher, so I can sit closer to my work. 

I once designed a loom for my SIL to make for my daughter.  It didn't turn out to be very ergonomically designed, so I obviously didn't try to sell plans for it.  But I will be able to make this one in the photo work, so no great loss.  We also can tweak the design enough to make it our own, so we could sell a few and not infringe on the original designers bad plan.  We are going to look for nicer hardware for the new edition.  Brass or wooden or something.  There are plastic knobs for the tensioning device which we might replace with wood, too.  It will be a nice loom when we are done with it. 

And that is the long winded explanation


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