Hello everyone...

Thought I would make a start here and say hello. I'm Susan and live on Vancouver Island. I  have lived in a few other places in BC ( Vernon, Winfield, Blind Bay and Powell River) and met weavers everywhere I went. But nothing gave me more personal satisfaction than 'meeting' weavers across Canada as when I worked for the GCW. I am the past president and served 2003-2008.   If any of you have questions about this national group, I'd be happy to answer.

It may not appear to be much more than a newsletter on the surface of things. But it's like most things in life, you get more when you take a closer look and dig a lttle deeper. The main goal of the Guild is to promote execellence in weaving and was formed in 1947. While methods of communication may have changed, the end goal has not.  While I'm not active with the Guild at this time ( just a regular member) I am participating in their annual weaving exchange and  may apply for one of their scholarships to attend a weaving class.  I can also explain things like the Test Program if you like.....

So where are you living and weaving in Canada?  What resources do you have close to hand? On Vanc. Island there are many guilds within a reasonable drive, including Victoria which is celebrating their 75th anniversary.  In Duncan, I belong to the Tzouhalem Weavers and Spinners Guild and I'm the librarian.

Okay... your turn!





Bonnie Datta (not verified)

Hi Everyone.  Hi to Susan too, who I met at a workshop in Kelowna many years ago.  I live in Airdrie, AB.  Here is a tapestry of my little farm house:

I dyed the yarn for this tapestry using plants that grow on the property.

I weave all kinds of things -- Navajo-style rugs, blankets, fabric, tablet weaving, ...  I recently took a class in collapse weave so as soon as I get the two current projects off my looms I intend to give that a workout.  Here is one piece that I'm weaving right now.  It's a runner (right) and a cover for a window seat (left).  I am shaping the window seat cover on the loom, so the pink corner will be cut off, and a finger-woven edge applied to the exposed warps.  This is woven in 3/1 double-faced twill, with the design woven tapestry-style in the upper sheds and stripes on the reverse.  I like this weave because it is heavier than regular plain-weave tapestry.

Hope everyone is having a nice summer and the same great weather that we've been having here for the past few weeks.


naturalfibres (not verified)

Hi, I'm Anne from Hay River, NT.  As far as I know I'm the only weaver in town.  I just moved here this past winter from Yellowknife, where there were quite a few weavers.  Before moving to Yellowknife, about 4 year ago, I thought I'd have the only loom in town.

naturalfibres (not verified)

Your tapestry is lovely.

Susan Harvey (not verified)

Hi Bonnie....

Nice to hear from you again.... it's been a long time. That workshop in Kelowna was in 2000 and was Karen Selk doing her 'Silken Kaidescope' (sp ?) class.  The time has flown by since then.

Your tapestries are lovely!

All the best, Susan

Susan Harvey (not verified)

Hi Anne,

There is a GCW rep for the Northern territories. Her name is Nancy Kearnan.  If you like I can put you in touch with her?

Just let me know..... I'll check back here.



naturalfibres (not verified)

Hi Susan,

Thanks for the offer, but I do know Nancy.  I've been a member of GCW for the past two years, but with moving at the beginning of this year I never got around to renewing my membership, but I should do that now.

Susan Harvey (not verified)

Well, that's great you know Nancy!    I understand how chaotic moving can be as I have moved several times. It's very disruptive to your weaving isn't it?

I have to send in a cheque myself before the year is out so I think I'll get it in early for a change.

All the best, Susan

SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Hi, I'm Terri and live on Salt Spring Island, BC.

I have been weaving for 25+ years and was a member of the Edmonton Weavers Guild for many years.  I moved to Salt Spring 6 years ago and discovered Saori Weaving about the same time.  I have been to Japan to see many of the Saori Studios and learn more about Saori weaving and will be going back again this fall for the 40th anniversary!

I now teach Saori Weaving workshops, classes & retreats at my Saori studio on Salt Spring, at Fibre Festivals, community events and at Knotty by Nature in Victoria, BC and I am the Canadian Distributor of Saori looms, books and equipment.  I am also a member of the Salt Spring Weavers & Spinners Guild

On the island here there are many great fibre resources:  Jane Stafford Textiles, Treenway Silks and the Gulf Islands Spinning Mill to name a few - so great field trip possibilities!

I love the freestyle approach of Saori weaving and the endless possibilities and love to share it with others.  I have had over 1,100 people weave on peace banners and environmental or community banners - most have never woven before - so it has been a great introduction to weaving.....no rules, no mistakes!

Saori - Cherry Blossom

                                                     <Cherry Blossom shrug>

Happy Weaving,


fleurdefibre (not verified)

 Heh, Susan,

I am Mireille, living in Northern Ontario.  I 've been member of the Guild of Canadian Weavers for a long time now.  My mother in law was also a weaver and member of the GCW.

My weaving is often interrupted by other activities such as dyeing, spinning, felting and journaling my ideas.

I am due to renew my membership this year.

Anyhow, I am now busy figuring out this web forum format and hope my broadband connection holds a little while longer!

Bonnie, really, really beautiful tapestry of your farm.  Love it!  Talk about weaving something you know!!! WOW!



Dustbunnies (not verified)

Wow I feel like I'm late to the party, I just found this group today!  I'm Lynnette and I live in the Okanagan Valley.  I currently hold two positions in the GCW, Scholarship Chair and Exchange Coordinator, so I'd love to hear from all of you either interested in our across Canada  weaving exhange or interested in applying for a scholarship. The exchange this year was for a Table Runner; weave one get one.  I'm always looking for new victims, oops I mean participants and would love to hear any suggestions for exchange topics.



Susan Harvey (not verified)

Really nice to hear from you Mirielle! My husband is from Northern Ontario.... good folks there.  :)

Lookinf forward to seeing you here and chatting with you again.


Susan Harvey (not verified)

Hi Terri,

We met at the Distaff Day spining in Duncan..... nice to see you here.

Are you a member of the GCW? That's the subject here.... Saori could fit quite nicely! Though they are more or less all about weaving excellence and that seems to include some rules!



SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Hi Susan,

Yes I am a GCW member and have been for a few years.  I was also a member many years ago when I was doing all the Master Weavers program at Olds College - so I do know all about the rules!

Happy Weaving,


ottawa_fiber (not verified)

I'm Heather and I am learning to weave while learning to run a business as well. I am in Ottawa, Ontario Canada and am lucky to have a fabulous guild supporting me, the Ottawa Valley Weavers and Spinners Guild. I started off as a Spinner and my business grew out of that, but the demand for weaving supplies soon became apparent, and then I tried weaving on a rigid heddle loom and was hooked. I am so glad I have many years ahead of me to learn this wonderful art! I was in BC a few weeks ago and met Brenda, a weaver who owns Penelope Fibre Arts and Felicia of Sweet Georgia Yarns. Now I wish I had taken textile arts and not psychology! Really looking forward to meet you all virtually and maybe even in person!

Bonnie Datta (not verified)

Hi Everyone.  Hi to Susan too, who I met at a workshop in Kelowna many years ago.  I live in Airdrie, AB.  Here is a tapestry of my little farm house:

I dyed the yarn for this tapestry using plants that grow on the property.

I weave all kinds of things -- Navajo-style rugs, blankets, fabric, tablet weaving, ...  I recently took a class in collapse weave so as soon as I get the two current projects off my looms I intend to give that a workout.  Here is one piece that I'm weaving right now.  It's a runner (right) and a cover for a window seat (left).  I am shaping the window seat cover on the loom, so the pink corner will be cut off, and a finger-woven edge applied to the exposed warps.  This is woven in 3/1 double-faced twill, with the design woven tapestry-style in the upper sheds and stripes on the reverse.  I like this weave because it is heavier than regular plain-weave tapestry.

Hope everyone is having a nice summer and the same great weather that we've been having here for the past few weeks.


naturalfibres (not verified)

Hi, I'm Anne from Hay River, NT.  As far as I know I'm the only weaver in town.  I just moved here this past winter from Yellowknife, where there were quite a few weavers.  Before moving to Yellowknife, about 4 year ago, I thought I'd have the only loom in town.

naturalfibres (not verified)

Your tapestry is lovely.

Susan Harvey (not verified)

Hi Bonnie....

Nice to hear from you again.... it's been a long time. That workshop in Kelowna was in 2000 and was Karen Selk doing her 'Silken Kaidescope' (sp ?) class.  The time has flown by since then.

Your tapestries are lovely!

All the best, Susan

Susan Harvey (not verified)

Hi Anne,

There is a GCW rep for the Northern territories. Her name is Nancy Kearnan.  If you like I can put you in touch with her?

Just let me know..... I'll check back here.



naturalfibres (not verified)

Hi Susan,

Thanks for the offer, but I do know Nancy.  I've been a member of GCW for the past two years, but with moving at the beginning of this year I never got around to renewing my membership, but I should do that now.

Susan Harvey (not verified)

Well, that's great you know Nancy!    I understand how chaotic moving can be as I have moved several times. It's very disruptive to your weaving isn't it?

I have to send in a cheque myself before the year is out so I think I'll get it in early for a change.

All the best, Susan

SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Hi, I'm Terri and live on Salt Spring Island, BC.

I have been weaving for 25+ years and was a member of the Edmonton Weavers Guild for many years.  I moved to Salt Spring 6 years ago and discovered Saori Weaving about the same time.  I have been to Japan to see many of the Saori Studios and learn more about Saori weaving and will be going back again this fall for the 40th anniversary!

I now teach Saori Weaving workshops, classes & retreats at my Saori studio on Salt Spring, at Fibre Festivals, community events and at Knotty by Nature in Victoria, BC and I am the Canadian Distributor of Saori looms, books and equipment.  I am also a member of the Salt Spring Weavers & Spinners Guild

On the island here there are many great fibre resources:  Jane Stafford Textiles, Treenway Silks and the Gulf Islands Spinning Mill to name a few - so great field trip possibilities!

I love the freestyle approach of Saori weaving and the endless possibilities and love to share it with others.  I have had over 1,100 people weave on peace banners and environmental or community banners - most have never woven before - so it has been a great introduction to weaving.....no rules, no mistakes!

Saori - Cherry Blossom

                                                     <Cherry Blossom shrug>

Happy Weaving,


fleurdefibre (not verified)

 Heh, Susan,

I am Mireille, living in Northern Ontario.  I 've been member of the Guild of Canadian Weavers for a long time now.  My mother in law was also a weaver and member of the GCW.

My weaving is often interrupted by other activities such as dyeing, spinning, felting and journaling my ideas.

I am due to renew my membership this year.

Anyhow, I am now busy figuring out this web forum format and hope my broadband connection holds a little while longer!

Bonnie, really, really beautiful tapestry of your farm.  Love it!  Talk about weaving something you know!!! WOW!



Dustbunnies (not verified)

Wow I feel like I'm late to the party, I just found this group today!  I'm Lynnette and I live in the Okanagan Valley.  I currently hold two positions in the GCW, Scholarship Chair and Exchange Coordinator, so I'd love to hear from all of you either interested in our across Canada  weaving exhange or interested in applying for a scholarship. The exchange this year was for a Table Runner; weave one get one.  I'm always looking for new victims, oops I mean participants and would love to hear any suggestions for exchange topics.



Susan Harvey (not verified)

Really nice to hear from you Mirielle! My husband is from Northern Ontario.... good folks there.  :)

Lookinf forward to seeing you here and chatting with you again.


Susan Harvey (not verified)

Hi Terri,

We met at the Distaff Day spining in Duncan..... nice to see you here.

Are you a member of the GCW? That's the subject here.... Saori could fit quite nicely! Though they are more or less all about weaving excellence and that seems to include some rules!



SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Hi Susan,

Yes I am a GCW member and have been for a few years.  I was also a member many years ago when I was doing all the Master Weavers program at Olds College - so I do know all about the rules!

Happy Weaving,


ottawa_fiber (not verified)

I'm Heather and I am learning to weave while learning to run a business as well. I am in Ottawa, Ontario Canada and am lucky to have a fabulous guild supporting me, the Ottawa Valley Weavers and Spinners Guild. I started off as a Spinner and my business grew out of that, but the demand for weaving supplies soon became apparent, and then I tried weaving on a rigid heddle loom and was hooked. I am so glad I have many years ahead of me to learn this wonderful art! I was in BC a few weeks ago and met Brenda, a weaver who owns Penelope Fibre Arts and Felicia of Sweet Georgia Yarns. Now I wish I had taken textile arts and not psychology! Really looking forward to meet you all virtually and maybe even in person!

Group Audience