Welcome to your new group.  You will see comments when you sign in to Weavolution and go to either the Dashboard (in your orange box) or when you click on Groups & Forums on the black bar at the top of every page.

Karren Brito is the group moderator.  You may ask her questions or ask your class mates. 

Enjoy and happy dyeing!



Karren K. Brito

Welcome aboard. Please tell us how you are coming with your equipment, supplies need for the course.  Do you all have your Munsell Student Kit?  That is where we will start. 

I would like you to get familiar with using Google.docs-follow your email invite or this link. You will probably have to sign in using the email that I used to send the invite.  I used the emails you used when you signed up for the class.  My email had a link and clicking on it took me directly to the document. Sharing photos is good for the class; you can share them here in this forum and on google.docs where it is a little easier. Mary said she got a nesco roaster for her themostatted bath- let's see a pic with the jars in it.

Also I would like a personal telephone number so that if we have any computer trouble I can still reach you and let you know what is happening.  You can PM or email me, what ever satisfies your security needs.  Mine is 937.767.8961 for snafus at the class.

dancingfish (not verified)

Karren, I think I am in pretty good shape for having everything.  I had sent you a couple of questions in email, but am not sure if it made it past your spam filter.  I will email you my phone number, and hope you will get it.  Will start making my skeins once my skein winder arrives.  I'm using 20/2 silk and hope that's okay.  Was going to use tencel, but it's backordered.  Yes, I do have my Munsell kit.

Karren K. Brito

Now that Claudia sent me your emails I have cleared you all thru my spam filter if you use the same email.  Linda, I'm sorry I didn't respond, I do look at the spam daily to see what is trapped but I didn't see anything, but I may have been less diligent last weekend while away.  Now that we have this group, I prefer posts here for questions so that all can see the answers.  You never know which of your questions will enlighten others.  Save the email for presonal stuff.

20/2 silk is fine, you just have to get the skeins right to avoid tangleing; shorter skeins, lots of ties.  Mary and Cathie last class just wound around a book, I think.

dancingfish (not verified)

Would I be able to make 27" silk skeins work, or do they need to be smaller than that?  I think 27" is the smallest my winder will do.  If that won't work, I'll figure something else out.


Karren K. Brito

Is it 27' in circumference or 27" end to end.  Here are Mary's from the last class:

If that is a standard sheet of paper, the look to be 16-17" in circumference and she dyed them in pint jars.  You can see more pictures at her blog, http://www.villageweaver.com/wordpress/ where I "borrowed" the pic.  Do a few until you see that they work.  She didn't seem to have a issue with eveness.  Did they tangle too much Mary?  On the other hand Larry made long skeins of Tencel for Cibacron F

And he decided to make smaller skeins.

If you want to do things to get ready, I suggest that you;

  1. calibrate your balance.  Get out the instructions and your calibration weight and make sure it calibrates (weighs both the weight correctly and returns to zero).  If there is a problem there is still time to correct it . 
  2. test your thermostatted bath.  We will be using it at 60°C and we need it to stay there for several hours.  That is 60°C inside the jars.  Also how long does it take for the water inside the jars to reach 60°C? 

dancingfish (not verified)

It's 27" circumference, so would be about 2" longer than Mary's sheet of paper going the long way.  Maybe I will give it a try, with more ties.

I'll go ahead and start on the other tasks to get ready.

Karren K. Brito

Donna asked about glue for the Munsell color chips.  Repostionable glue is good; look in the scrapbooking section of your local crafty store. You'll be glad you did, for the glue anyhow,  sorry about all that other stuff.