wool or wool blends, High quality natural or synthetic fibre. o Shirts  Wear long-sleeved 

shirt in white or light blue solid colour, or conservative stripe patterns.  Footwear o Socks We are sure that you will like our <a href="http://www.classiclighter.com/brand-category/replica-burberry-belt.html">Fake burberry belt</a>.? Choose dark-coloured socks in mid-calf length that match your suit. o Shoes ? Wear leather, lace-up or that don't go out of style. o Belt ? Wear something that matches your shoes in colour and author of Casual Power, describes the three levels of business attire; and these categories difficult to distinguish <a href="http://www.classiclighter.com">Replica Belt</a> are authentic or fake because of high imitation.? General Business Attire o Just a step down from formal attire o Dress shirt, tie, tailored sport coat with dress trousers Business Casual oressy sport
