Buy 5 UKI discontinued colors at $7 pound and get one free

There are not many left let see if we can clean out the warehouse 



3/2 #4 Pink *D*      108 
3/2 Ice Pink*D*      1 
5/2 #82 Electric *D* 20 
5/2 #118 Iris *D*    68 
10/2 #33Mediumblu*D* 65 
10/2 #34 Maroon *D*  2 
10/2 #41Navy Blue*D* 1 
20/2 #34 Maroon *D*  13 
20/2 #41Navy Blue*D* 59 
20/2 #66 Midnight*D* 216 
20/2 #82 Electric*D* 38 
20/2 #88 Wisteria*D* 146 
20/2#120Dp Purple*D* 38 

[email protected]


sally orgren

Some of these colors are very dark — almost black, but not quite. So when you use them in place of black, instead of "killing" or "deadening" a lively or bright colorway as black can sometimes do, these colors can enhance the piece.

I think a lot of beginning weavers plan beautifully colored warps, and are then styimed by a weft choice. Black is sort of the default, but some of these colors would be smart alternatives to enliven the work!

(P.S. I have no connection to Michael or UKI. I am just a weaver who is tempted by this offer, so I pulled out my UKI color chart and started to think about what I would use these yarns for if I added them to my stash.)

Michael White

The navies would go great with the pinks. Don't wait too long they are going fast. 



You are killing me here!  We are gearing up for a big remodel, and trying to pack everything away.  No room for more yarn.  That is my loss, clearly, this is a great price! 

Have I said how happy I am to be weaving again??

Michael White

I hope you are making lot of room for looms and yarn

