I have a 24" 8 harness CP Macomber (and a 48"). The tie rods fall off one treadle only. I cannot figure out why. It's the ninth of ten treadles. I have the new style tie up rods that slip over the lamms. I finally gave up and tied the treadle to the lamms. Any idea of what is causing this?


Michael White

Because of the shape of the hook it sometimes gets hit by the lamm behine or in front of it. Try putting the hook over the back of the 9th lamm. So the bend in the hook is faceing to the front. Or if it is already faceing front put it on the lamm faceing the back. On the small looms the lamms are closer together and this is a problem. Some people have replaced the hooks all together with Texsolv cords. You can find the details here on the Macomber group forum. You may also have a bend lamm. You could also cut or grind off part of the bend in the hook.




TinaHilton (not verified)

You might also try squeezing on the clip part of the rod with pliers.  Sometimes they become a little too open and won't grip the lamm.  It works with mine.

Of course this only makes sense if you tend to use the same rods on that treadle.

patchworkfibers (not verified)

I've tried squeezing the tie rods and that didn't work. Reversing the rods seems to work for a while. I've always had trouble with the rod slipping off the CP, but never have a problem on the 48". I like the idea of just going with the tex solve tie ups.

Michael White

If the rods are slipping off the slot in the treadle may need cleaning and a little lub. This slot gets pieces of yarn and lint in it and the rods do not move smoothly. Remove all the rods and brush out the slot then run a piece of sandpaper in the slot. Now you can rub the inside of the slot with wax paper or use a "dry" lub like Blaster 50 (it goes on wet and then leaves a dry film). Try this and see if it helps. And since you are down there clean the slots that the lamms ride in also.
