Hello All,
A few days ago I FINALLY finished a warp I had been working on for what seems like forever!
This warp had been intended for another design, but I counted wrong and ended up with half as many warps as needed. It was unmercerized 8/2cotton and it was tiny and sticky. The sensible thing would have been to simply cut it off and start over, but I am such a cheap-skate that I used it anyway. A learning experience.
Now I have started a new warp and am using Laverne's appendix D "Selecting the Pebble Shed Warps the Huancayo Way". It turns out to be a really good way to find twisted warps before you get going on the project (another problem that slowed me down on my last project).
I am also using mercerized cotton this time, which I hope will be easier to deal with!