

Feel free to share your progress, frustrations, triumphs and failrues with us. We are here to cheer you on, offer hints and suggestions and commiserate!                        Tina


I am new to weavolution and am wondering if there is a way to connect with whomever is online at the time.

Also, do any particular forums or groups appear more active than others.

I've posted on some of the groups and there is no response and I noticed the subject was an old one.

Thanks, while I'm getting my Cambridge floor loom unassembled, washers and brakes put on, and reassembled, I am working on an Easy Weaver 7" wide scarf with a floating heddle and a pick up stick, did 4 inches so far.

Burning desire to get right to weaving, only slightly frustrated with the delays, I can always wind up a new warp for a project and lable it, right?



welcome and feel free to join this group - I am a fairly new weaver and started this group as a way to help prod me to do something weaverly everyday.  You will find that some of the groups and forums are more active - it seems to come and go in waves. On the homepage you will see the most recent posts. Also the dashboard feature lets you see you is posting projects, comments, etc.  Good luck with your Camridge loom - several of us on here use both floor looms and rigid heddle looms so you fit right in!                       Tina

Claudia Segal (not verified)

I am just getting back to weaving after being sidelined by 2 cracked ribs from a bad fall.  I am headed to weave on my Cricket right now.  I tried to thread my Julia countermarch today but ran into a big problem.  

I love the idea of this group.  I can use a daily push!!!



glad you are feeling up to weaving again - Tina

Cheryl M White

Thanks, Tina, for starting this group.  It's kinda like Weight Watchers where you know you have to answer at weigh in time!!  So many of us work better under a time-table, including me.  So I look forward to weaving every day.  I worked on my towel warp yesterday, so that counts. Today will be rough, as I will not get home til after 8:00pm.  Maybe I can plan a project before I go to bed.

Thanks again 



I am much more productive when I have deadlines or someone looking over my shoulder! And like Claudia - I can use a daily push at times! When I get home from work it is too easy to put off the weaverliness - I started this group to help myself as much as others! :)


Greetings everyone! Today a 6 1/2 yd. towel warp is finally on the Baby Mac that was wound in 2008. My goal for the day was to finish winding 2 chains of 16/2 cotton to complete the 1808 ends for my tablecloth project, but my black lab puppy got to the box left by the front door by the delivery person before I did. I found the box and packing but not the necessary two spools of cotton. Just reordered two more. I think I'll thread the towels.

Cheryl M White

But you know you love your puppy!! (too bad about the cotton though).



about the cotton - hopefully the puppy did not ingest it or you might find yourself at the vet instead of the loom! 1808 ends is a lot - good luck once you get your new spools!


I'm watching her like a hawk! Hope for no trips to the emergency vet. Must ask mailman to leave packages up on shelf by back door Or At Least Ring The Bell!!! I already asked him to do that once. Maybe a sub today.

D-Stitchins Studio

I have been doing a least 1/2 an hour a day, sometimes lots more in order to finish the gifts I would like to give this year.  6 Christmas runners done so far, 3 more to go.  One batch off the big loom and ready to fringe and wet finish....just the slow, pick-up style left to weave.... I may even get them all done (note to self: next year, not so ambitious or start earlier)!  But, it is so fun to take off 19 feet of finished runners and actually see the accomplishment!

jemwork (not verified)

I feel like I've been away from weaving, although I look at things in a weaverly way.

This summer I moved to a new state/community/concept in living. My looms are in the living room & dining room & sunporch. The upstairs front bedroom is a sewing studio, the middle bedroom has a library & beading. I had the basement repainted & new windows put in - good light & storage with the dehumidifier working. If I ever get the table cleared off down there, I want to get some felt going.

My weaving step today was removing the bent rod from the front of my Leclerc to see about a replacement. Then I'm going to a friend's to talk tapestry!


jemwork on your new home/new state/new concept in weaving. Thinking weaverly things is an important thing to do - hopefully you will be back at your looms soon. Hate thinking about naked looms.

loomyladi (not verified)

One bent rod down, naked looms to go! I've contemplated my studio for 6 months and finally have it usable! Sounds like you have alot of fun stuff going on. Talking tapestry counts!


After a week where the most weaverly things I got done were readingnWeavolution posts some days, I have finished weaving the linen spa washcloths, taken them off, finished the edges, and wet finished them. Four holiday gifts down, and one yet to be even decided upon. What would you weave for someone who does not care for bath gifts, and is not big on things around her neck? Needs to be something that makes up quickly...


Yes! Brilliant! Off to warp...

jemwork (not verified)

Since I was on last my house has become a home. Living with my looms, and all, was a wonderful choice, but 2 looms have yet to get dressed. I have. A friend interested in using one. Potential student? Over the summer weaving has been a focus. Not so much steady weaving, but classes. I had a tapestry in line class at MAFA from Katherine Todd-Hooker, my guild had a class on honeycomb, I taught a tapestry class to my guild, & I took a nuno felting class from Jean Gaugher at EGLFC. Lots of project to finish. Joan