Hi Has anyone come up with a gadget to replace pen an paper to keep track of what lifts you are on as you weave e.g flip over card, sliding beads on a frame?


SallyE (not verified)

I mount my treddling pattern (printed from the software) on a metal plate and then use little magnetic pointers to move along, or to set when I have to suddenly stop because the door bell rings, etc.

I divide the treddling up into groups that are easy to remember and use the markers to move between groups.  To do it at every pick would really slow things down.


Peg R

I just have my treadling sequence posted on my castle and use a clothespin to mark where I stop. If it's an easy repeating pattern, I make sure that I stop at the end of each sequence if I can.


I really like their treadling, threading program, or module. It is invaluable when I am pegging my dobby chain, easy to see, saves your place. You just tap the screen to advance your spot. I don't have a treadle loom to keep a sequence but I do have to thread it. It works for that as well. I use it on my Ipad but their website says they support Android tablets.

Mike (not verified)

Thank you all for your very helpful suggestions; I particularly like the metal plate and magnetic pointer!


To those that are interested, iWeaveIt shows in its tracking progress modele a small window with ALL the treadle numbers you depress for the weft shot you are on. For the dobby it shows the bar. That window floats above the drawdown with a cursor so you can see where you are, where you have been, and where you are going. It is similar for the threading. You just tap the screen and you are on to the next shot/or thread. It saves your place if you have to leave the program.


I just post the draft in the castle and mark out the sequence repeat. If I stop somewhere to get more weft or something I just read my cloth picks as in the draft. If I'm unsure I just press treadles until I can fine tune where I am based on the last pick. Not really too difficult.

planttapestry (not verified)

I tape the pattern on the castle and move a post it note --if I have to get up

loomyladi (not verified)

I've used paper taped to the castle with a straight pin, clothes pin, etc.  I have a metal plate with magnets attached to one loom and it works great as I also keep other notes on there related to the particular project.  I've been thinking about do the same on my other floor looms.  I have a Treadling Order Keeper from Purrington Looms that I use on my table top and portable looms. 

loomyladi (not verified)

I've used paper taped to the castle with a straight pin, clothes pin, etc.  I have a metal plate with magnets attached to one loom and it works great as I also keep other notes on there related to the particular project.  I've been thinking about do the same on my other floor looms.  I have a Treadling Order Keeper from Purrington Looms that I use on my table top and portable looms.