I am sharing the news of my lecture at the Textile Museum on July 18th in Washington DC.  Many of you have seen my lectures on the Lao, Cambodian and other looms in the Southeast Asia region via Complex Weavers or thru a weaving guild presentation. 

I give full credit to the folks on this side of the ocean that taught me to weave and gave me the opportunity to teach, the weavers on the other side of the ocean in Southeast Asia that proudly showed me how they wove and the anthropologists that patiently assisted along the journey's way to understand the cultures around the loom.

I am happy to have been given the opportunity to explain how these exquisite clothes are created by traditional and contemporary weavers on very simple looms from the weavers' point of view.  If you cannot make it, please mark your calendar on July 18th and send me calming thoughts!  Please pass the word to any whom you may think would be interested in this lecture.

Regards  Deb McClintock, Independent Scholar & Weaver


LECTURE - Thursday, July 18th  The Looms of Southeast Asia 

Thursday, July 18, 6 PM

Weaver and educator Deb McClintock will discuss the simple looms and techniques used by village weavers and royal courts alike in Southeast Asia to create and store intricate patterns. McClintock will compare models from Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, northwest Vietnam, and Burma. Learn how contemporary artists such as Carol Cassidy are using traditional vertical heddle pattern equipment principally found in the Hua Phan province to create brilliantly colored and intricately patterned fabrics. McClintock will also discuss custom reeds and handmade heddles, and will demo making a set of dills for the khao nyai loom. Fee: $20/members; $25/non-members. Advance registration required; space is limited. Call (202) 667-0441, ext. 64 to register. This lecture has been funded in part by The Textile Museum docents.



Sounds like a fabulous presentation.  Too bad I can't make it.  :(




Laura, perhaps our paths will cross eventually. In the meantime the next best thing to my lecture is my trip journal which is located here: http://www.mytripjournal.com/dmcclintock Some have lots of detail, some do not but you can get a decent glimpse of my travels thru my trip journal. Regards Deb Mc

sarahnopp (not verified)

In the same country, but so so far away :( One day.


Thanks Deb - I will look at the journal tomorrow.  Heading for bed after a rather long day.  ;)

