I haven't read all the way through yet, but I'm excited to read more about weaving silk. I'm starting this thread to discuss the issue. What is your favorite article from the issue? Whatbdid you learn? Do you have any questions after reading an article/project instructions?



I amvery much enjoying this issue. I do have a question about silk yarn size. The Discerning Weaver's Guid to Silk Micheal Cook states the modern denier refers to 1 gram per 90,000 meters. He then goes on to say common sizes are 100 to 200. Does 100 deniers mean 90,000 meters of a silk thread this size weighs 100 grams?


Erica, I get more like 1 gram for 9,000.00 meters for a denier. ( Websters Mirriam dictionary ) That might help the math:) Cathie


Thanks Cathie,

We were out at lunch when I posted this, I was flipping between Weavolution, the article on my app, and keeping an eye on TJ in the pub, so that's probably the reason behind the misplaced decimal. I guess the real question is does the number of denier note the number weight of 9,000 meters of the yarn in question. IE a 100 denier yarn equates to 100 gram weight for 9,000 meters and 200 denier yarn equals 200 gram weight for 9,000 meters? Meaning the 200 denier yarn is twice as thick as the 100 denier yarn.

Michael White

Most silk sold into the European market is sold using the Nm (Metric number) system which is 1Nm= 1,000 meter per 1 Kilo. So the 60/2Nm silk special I am running in the Handwoven Mag= 60 x 1,000 (60,000) / 2 (30,000) meters per Kilo or 30,000/10= 3,000 meters per 100 grams (3280.84 yards) In the US this is normally list as 3,000 yards per 100 grams.

Denier system is now mosty used in Reeled silk; Denier= 1 gram per 9000 meters. To convert to Nm 9000/Nm.

When I purchase silk it is normally listed as 20/2 (No Nm number) 1000 yards per 100 grams unlike 20/22d silk which is 45,000 Yards per 100 grams.


Georgia Yarn Company



A bit over my head but here's a chart that may help you Yarn density conversion[edit] Approximate yarn measurement comparison Denier m/g Tex Worsted Cotton Woolen (run) Linen (lea) 50 180 5.6 160 106 56 298 75 120 8.3 106 72 37 198 100 90 11.1 80 53 28 149 150 60 16.6 53 35 19 99 200 45 22.2 40 27 14 74 300 30 33.4 27 18 9.3 50 400 22.5 44.4 20 13 7.0 37 500 18 55.5 16 11 5.6 30 700 12.9 77.7 11.4 7.6 4.0 2 1000 9 111 8.0 5.3 2.8 15 1500 6 166 5.3 3.5 1.9 10 2000 4.5 222 4.0 2.7 1.4 7


Jealous!  Haven't received mine yet, and probably won't before I leave on a 3 week teaching/holiday trip...  :(





I cheat and buy the digital subscription now. Otherwise I probably wouldn't have mine for another month.

I did find another definition, which confirmed my underdtanding. Denier refers to the weihht in grams of 9,000 meters or 9 km. I am familiar with nm and other systems.




I want to but it isn't available to Canadians. :(. Or at least not via amazon. Will just have to be patient. Cheers Laura


I subscribe through zinio and the subscription is available in the UK, so I would imagine it's available in Canada. I hope you enjoy it. So far the articles are well written, as always.


I will think about Zinio.  I had hoped to use Kindle which is already on my iPad.  




I can understand wanting to use an exsisting app. I have a hard time organizing all my apps! Perhaps if you out Zinio in a folder withnyour Kindle app, it might seemmless cumbersome. Just a thought.


Kindle seems to be the reader format used in the digital archives of old books on archive.org


Wait until Amazon starts delivering your subscription by drone. :)