I volunteered to weave a new altar cloth for my church, now I'm not sure where to start. What fiber should I use?  I had Tencel in mind because I like the sheen and feeling of luxury, but I haven't been able to find Tencel in white, only natural. I'm afraid natural will look tan next to the other white altar cloths.  Does anyone know a source for white Tencel, or bamboo?  Or should I just stick with a perle cotton?  

Any ideas on patterns?  I was going to use plain weave, with huck lace sections at each end.  Any drafts already made up?

Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions. 





Madelyn van der Hoogt's book The Best of Weaver's Huck Lace has quite a few beautiful Huck lace patterns in it. You could probably get it through a inter-library loan at your public library. White Linen or Silk, The pearle cotton would, in my opinion, be very nice too. Does your church have a committee that oversees the purchase of liturgical items? You might want to weave a few samples and get feedback.

Michael White

If you type altar into the search box above, right side, you will find all kinds of information.




You could try Michael White for Tencel, also saw that Webs has Tencel too.


Thanks for all the comments.  I've enjoyed researching altar cloths here in Weavolution and elsewhere.  I bought some natural Tencel but then decided to save it for a scarf or shawl, and will use 10/2 perle cotton for the altar linen.  The Tencel is lovely, but it is not white, at least not compared to the cotton.  So it's a win/win.....the cotton I already had, and now I have Tencel to play with later!



Now I just have to finish the table runner that's on the loom!