i am a very proud new owner of a 48" 10h macomber! two questions: 1. the front beam apron strings are very short; can't get the apron bar around the front beam. should i replace the ties or make a cloth apron to augment? 2. the brake attaches directly from the rear beam crank to the brake pedal with a chain and short spring. this means that the brake pedal interrupts the harness movement. am i missing a part? thank you, in advance, for your help! this group is a treasure trove and i feel honored to be a new member! thanks, adele


Michael White

Adele, The normal postion for the cloth beam strings/apron is half way between the beater and the front beam. Need a picture to see what is going on with the brake. When correct the brake and/or the brake pedal does not interfear with the movement of the heddles frames. To see pictures of Macomber apron and brakes use the search on the top right
