Hello everyone!

I need your help and tips. I wound my RH with tencel to weave a lace scarf but had tension problems that can't ignore. I used heavy craft papper to wind it (it packed it up a bit) and wrapped it on the cloth beam rod. But openning a shed was impossible. Either holes or slots became loose while opening the shed up or down. I rewound it  but didn't improve. I wound it once more with weights and made knots tide to the rod with slim polyester rope. Things looked ok and started weaving. After three inches I had the same problem. 

I should mension that I use two heddles and two sticks. The sett is 20wpi but since I don't have two 10heddles I used a 10 heddle at the front and a 12,5 at the back with an empty slot after four threaded slots. I'll see if I can upload photos. I'm suspicious of that although it is recommended to leave empty slots when two identical heddles are used for patterning and double sett is not wanted. These are not identical.

Does anyone using tencel has the same problems? Have you tried two different heddles used together? Any thoughts or suggestions are welcomed. I hate to quit, please help :-(