Hello, Curious if there is a certain way to tell if a yarn is too old and brittle to use on a floor loom? I acquired a large amount of yarn and want to ensure it will be weaving worthy. TIA



Pull on it, maybe,  to see if it breaks? Also, I think wool becomes more brittle as it dries out. Gentle washing to rehydrate it might help restore some of the resiliency. 



Just a little more information for you: Many yarns are not strong enough to withstand the tension needed for warp. Any yarn, however, can still be used as weft. So, when you're checking a yarn, take a piece at least a foot long and tension it by pulling both ends away from each other. If it breaks, just don't use it as warp. 

Some looms enable you to use less tension on the warp (such as Ashford Knitter's Looms), and there are other ways of mitigating tension for weaker yarns. A brittle yarn, however, will really only work in weft. 

Have fun with your new mystery stash.
