I'm giving good old Plue one more chance - and i have a mystery chip I'm working on. Karren noticed in my docs.google that i added a mystery color - one that we didn't work with.

If anyone can guess by looking at my TARGET is, what my "object" is, before i post the photo and chip, i'll be sure to send them one... this means, i better be right on the 2nd chip. First one wasn't red enough.






Mary Rios (not verified)

Here is my PLUE!!!!!





kiling you?

What could it be?..... 

let's just say, i did it in the name of science!


the mystery chip!


ah ha! Caffeine and sugar, the best combo! I love your mystery chip. Gotta get me some. Maybe it will help me tomorrow:) How many bars do you think I need? One for each color?


You're all finished! what will you ever do this week?

Mary Rios (not verified)

Well, i'm a little discombobulated - i cleaned my kitchen counter of all the dyeing habiliments, put the canner away (been out in my kitchen since the beginning) organized my chips, and started putting them in the book. Looks like i have to get another book!

I have my guild meeting tomorrow so i had to get a potluck thing going - decided little turkey/swiss sandwiches would prevent me from having to measure, pour, stir, bake, boil etc... it was a good choice.

Mainly tho, i'm basking in the fact that i'm finished and so pleased with everything that i've learned. It was an enriching experience - i enjoyed being with all of you - Look forward to next weeks class - although by then after not dyeing for 5 days, I'll probably have to blow the cobwebs out of my brain before class.


pjdoney (not verified)

I miss getting to eat milk chocolate....We're heading to my mom's house tomorrow to do much needed work around her place.  I have 4 different hues in my pot that just started the heating up process so it'll be a late night.  That way they can cool off and I can take them with me to dry and then wash and dry again tomorrow.

Once again, Mary, I am thrilled for you!

pjdoney (not verified)

Is tomorrow going to be an all-day dye day for you, Cathie?  Not sure if I'll get a chance after coming back and working all day...

Karren K. Brito

I put your wheel up as a project to share with others.  Amazing.

The others of you that want to finish will get there too.  Hard work pays.



Your right Karren hardvwork pays. I'm so impressed and inspired! Yes,, Peggy today will be a dye day. Yesterday I dyed and got two on the nose, several others are close. Eexciting when you get one! I will postthis a.m. When I have these chipped and notated.


Mary have you posted your plue formula? I would love to see how you got that light value.

Mary Rios (not verified)

5BG 8/8 Turquoise  70%  -   DOS 1%   -   Sun Yellow 20%