There will be an exhibit of over twenty tapestries on display from March 14-April 8, 2016.  This will be at Moon Gallery, Berry College, near Rome, Georgia, USA.  The exhibit will also have several of the initial design stages for my tapestries, including photos, drawings, paintings, and mixed media.  Opening reception is at 5 p.m. on March 14.



Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

Tommye, congratulations on this special exhibit of your work. I wish it were happening closer to my house! It would be great to see the design photos, drawings, paintings, and more next to the finished works. I really appreciate seeing the preparations in your blog. When people say that  weaving is slow, they usually forget all the time spent in preparation! But you can't just sit in front of a tapestry loom and weave "something" if you want to have gallery-quality work.


tommye scanlin

I'm glad the curator wanted to include the design works.  It's always interesting to me to see how people get to the finished piece through stages and (sometimes) struggles.


Tommye, wonderful news about your exhibit!  Congratulations!


sally orgren

Wish I lived closer.

I have been to Rome, there are two colleges there as I recall, and I have been on the Berry campus! Lovely setting.

Group Audience