Announcing Mirrix’s Social Market for a Mirrix campaign for 2014. This year we are looking for someone to be a part of the Mirrix team for a full 9 months.

The search: January 7th-March 17th 2014

The campaign: April 1st-December 1st 2014

The deal:

We will choose 1 to 3 participants who will get a FREE Mirrix Loom (16″ or smaller) plus kits and projects sent to them bi-monthly from April to December 2014 in exchange for blogging, videos and posts on social media about their experience with the loom and the projects. We are looking for someone skilled in blogging and social media and who will be willing to learn and experiment with diverse projects in either  bead weaving, tapestry weaving or both. We will choose our participant(s) on March 17th.

Learn more here: