New to Inkle weaving and just completed the first 5 bands of varying widths (2 1/2 to 31/2 inches wide) using 5/2 perle cotton and today started sewing them together using instructions from Helene Bress' wonderful book. After completing a portion of the joining for the first bands I find that the overall effect is just not what I want. Additionally, the bands are long (40 inches each) as it is my intent to create a large bag. Has anyone tried sewing the bands directly onto heavy cloth (i.e. denim) rather than sewing them together individually?  The completed project needs to be sturdy and durable. I have a sewing machine but it does not do zig-zag stitching. Welcome suggestions and recommendations. With thanks.


bolivian warmi

Hi Carol,

Check out JaQueline Keller's tote bag here. She sewed her inkle bands onto canvas.

Marsha A. Knox (not verified)

I sew my bands into bags all the time and I find it is BETTER not to use the zig zag.  I didn't care for the hand sewing in the Bress book, so got out the machine.  I did a few with the zig zag and quite by accident, forgot to set the sewing maching for zig zag on one of the bands.  Turns out because on a warp face weave structure, if you use a straight stitch in the same color as where you are placing the seam, it virtually disappears.  They look so nice this way!  Hope this helps!

Lots of examples on my projects page.

latinlatitudes (not verified)

Laverne & Marcia...appreciate your comments. I dislike sewing with a passion and my sewing machine is very old (first portable Singer manufactured) but have been procrasting about a variety of mending needs here so will pull the old machine out of storage!). Three of the wide bands are done with pick up techniques (used the knot pattern from your site Laverne) and am really pleased with how they turned out. Marcia your recent posting of a purse incorporating your woven bands initially inspired me in  this project. Also have a plain double weave started on the table loom so may incorporate that into the body of the bag as well. In retrospect I should have chosen a project with shorter/fewer bands but live and learn! Thoroughly enjoying the new inkle loom and registered to take the online class on September 23rd with Darryl Lancaster. Will post photo when the project is completed...probably next week. 

bolivian warmi

Well, I hope you found a solution to the sewing question, Carol and I look forward to seeing your bag with the knot design. I love it when people use stuff from my blog. Is the double weave you mentioned from my warp-faced double weave tutorial? Did you set it up on you loom using all four shafts? I imagine that makes the plain version really fast to weave.

latinlatitudes (not verified)

Hi Laverne...I ordered a copy of Doubleweave by Jennifer Moore and have been experimenting primarily with a view to doubling the weaving width(15 3/4 inches) of my table loom. Completed a table runner (looking me in the eye daily as it needs the hand finishing work). You are right...pretty fast to weave with the four shaft LeClerc. Also like the results of doubleweave bound on both selvadges for creating a heavier, stronger cloth.