I am hoping to meet weavers who have worked with Structos and can introduce me to the loom's possibilities. I am thinking about using it to weave with wire. Sally V.



Claudia Segal (not verified)

Hey Sally,

Nice to meet you this weekend at MSWF.  So glad you found your way to the Structo group!  

I have not tried wire on the Structo but it sounds like a great idea.  If you are worried about using it for warp it's always possible to start with weft and see how it goes.

You bought a sweet Structo and are lucky to have the spools with it.


sally orgren

Hey Sally,

PM (private message)me, (another Sally) about your specific questions. I have both models, (the 600 & 240) and the 240 would be a *perfect* candidate to work with wire, because the wire won't be as likely to bite into the metal under tension. (ms.thimble affectionally calls it the "Mighty Metal Monster" ; -)

If you purchased one of the 600 models (the larger wood one, 22" across) you might want to make some modifications to your beams to protect the wood.

I too, would like to weave with wire soon. What gauge wire are you thinking?
