Anyone have a new Project  on a little or toy loom?



weaving on my pot holder looms when I just need some down time!

mrdubyah (not verified)

Who says weavers can't travel with their looms? The Wonder Weave makes 4 x 4 squares on the go!



Anyone else out there weave on a Brio... or own a brio "childs loom"?  they are actully a scaled down two shaft table loom made in sweden up untill the 1990s  they have a real rigid heddle (red plastic) and a wooden rocking reed.

Love to hear from any and all small loom weavers... and see what they are working on!

FybeRae (not verified)

Small and toy looms have become almost an obsession with me over the past few years...  LOL!!  I am just so excited when I am able to show how *accessible* weaving can be to *anyone* of any age or skill level.  I take weaving with me everywhere be it a tiny pouch being woven on a strip of cardboard or a small triangle loom or my favorite, potholder looms!   I don't get to web forums such as this very often.  My only internet access at home is a verrrrry slow, rural dial-up connection so web site loading is a time consuming and tedious experience but I'm happy to find this forum and will make a point of visiting when ever I can get the pages to load!  :-) 

FybeRae (not verified)

Funny you should mention this!  I just yesterday finished a strip of weaving on my little Brio.  I had actually warped it a few days ago and was going to weave a few inches as a sample and then put it up for sale.  Well, I got weaving on it again and couldn't stop!  I decided I'm really not ready to part with it *just yet*.  I planned on making a project bag with the strip but my husband latched on to it, has it on right now while walking the dogs and I can't pry it away from him.  He's decided it is his.  LOL!   here the photo I took last week to post on FaceBook prior to putting it uup for sale...  It shows it freshly warped with just the header woven.  This is an older, all wood Brio. It had a few eyelet heddles but most are string heddles.  It had the original wooden reed that was much too fine for anything but thread.  I had to disassemble that reed and alter it some to space out the slats so I could weave with hand spun yarns. 

Little Brio warped, header woven

SallyE (not verified)

The little wonder weave loom was my first loom, in a beautiful turquoise.   I saved up my allowance and ordered it from a magazine ad when I was about 10 years old.   Loved it! 

A couple of years ago my husband came home with a little Brio loom that someone gave him at the end of a day of a yard sale.   I modified it to make it into a 4 shaft jack type loom with little levers and pulleys to pull up the shafts, put a piece of a real reed on it and used "ladder style yarn" for the heddles.  I sold it on Ebay for almost $100!



Adinkracom (not verified)

Please say you took a picture of the modified Brio loom so that we can all see what the possibilities are. I'm intrigued!

FybeRae (not verified)

This is a great photo of one...  (referring to the Wonder Weave) I'd wondered in the past if I need to try adding one of these to my arsenal.  After getting a better look here, you have me thinking about it more seriously.  I've seen them go for horendously high prices on Ebay in the past.   However, the last time I was browsing around and not looking for anything in particular, I noticed that there was a "glut" of them so they are coming down in price again.  I think I'll take a look again when I have a bit of extra pocket money.

SallyE (not verified)

I found this picture on a backup that I managed to make after a computer crash.   Actually, the reed is one that I made, but the beater is capable of holding a regular reed.

FybeRae (not verified)

Wow, you pretty much built a whole new loom inside the Brio "ribs"! 

Your alterations are so extensive that it wouldn't be a whole lot more planning and work to recreate the whole thing from scratch.  Pretty darn cool!!!   Have you built/rebuilt any other looms since? 

SallyE (not verified)

Actually, it's a lot less work to start with a loom frame.

Yes, I do a lot of this.  Since Oct. of 2011, I've rennovated or rebuilt 7 or 8 looms.   I've changed 2 looms from horizontal CM to parallel CM, changed one CB loom into a jack, build a draw loom, built a tapestry loom from scratch, etc.  I've added second (and third) warp beams to a couple of looms, etc., etc.

I take in unwanted looms and rebuild them and donate them to weaving students.   And of course I do a lot of this work for myself too.  And, I often build my own tools, such as a horizontal warping mill, an electric bobbin winder, a mangle, etc. 

All this started when we bought an old house and rennovated it.   It was too expensive to hire someone so I bought the tools to do finish carpentry and learned enough to do it myself.   We are pretty much done with the house, but still have the tools . . . .


Adinkracom (not verified)

I'm so impressed! Shows you what can be done with a little creativity. I started.building a 4s in 2011 but the harnesses were a disaster so it's been sitting in the workroom. You have me thinking it might be time to get back to it. Do yours hold tension well? I had a brio-like something from a thrift store but the ratchet (wood) kept popping off. PS sorry to hear your computer crashed. Been there...

Adinkracom (not verified)

Did you say you made the reed? Out of metal? You need to teach a class cause you are a treasure trove of info. If it were the olden days I could be your apprentice! Haha!

SallyE (not verified)

The problem with the tension on these little looms, is that the pawl isn't heavy enough to stay in place on the little wooden ratchet.  

The solution is to put a little screw or eye hook on the pawl and use that to attach a rubber band. Then install another screw in a place so that when you streatch the rubber band to that second screw, it pulls and holds the pawl into the ratchet.

This are small looms, and you can't expect them to work as well as a "real" loom, but they can work pretty well if you tinker with them.


Oh yeah !!!!!   Love the little flowers you have painted on the loom and great Job with the Reed!  I wish I could get my hubby interested in weaving.But so long as he helps me warp I'm in little weavers heaven.

Thanks so much for sharing your pretty little loom! 


SallyE  you are a wonder!  I'm just starting to work on the original Brio I got for this last Christmas but I do love it just as it is. Hubby John is not handy with wood..and such sooo... lol    however I have rigged a holder for the lever when  I Warp it, keeps the red (newer model) heddle in nuteral middle it will not slip up and down when weaving ... I have made my own weavers sword( double ended pick up stick and shuttles as well. To tell you the truth I nearly sliced a bit off my finger doing the shuttle when my Exacto blade went flying. The newer model comes with a plastic gear and a shiny aluminium dog. as a simplistic prawl... the teeth on the gear are much smaller and allow for a much more fine adjustment for the tention. I have made warping be used in place of the paper to help hold tention as well works pretty well.


Its so good to hear from all of you...   and your adventures in small loom weaving  ,Please,  keep those cards ...and Letters (posts) Comming who knows  we might all learn a thing or two from each other ... Like I keep saying.... Little looms , BIG FUN!

SallyE (not verified)

The little reed I made for this loom was very simple - just a little wood frame with fine metal rods (bus bar, technically) running top to bottom at a spaced distance from each other.   The top of the beater is a slot that the reed fits into from above.  I did it this way because it allows a "real," taller reed to fit.  A real reed would stick out the top.


Adinkracom (not verified)

I didn't know there was such a thing. Did you put those in a split dowel like Reed Guy? It does seem like really tedious work. I think it's great that you did the whole thing. That's patience!

SallyE (not verified)

First, I sold this loom in 2010.

The reed - bus bar is a kind of electrical wire that comes in rods about 18 - 24" long.   It's useful for lots of non-electrical things.  I just drilled little holes in two pieces of wood, cut the bus bar into lengths, and used epoxy to set the bus bar into the wood pieces, top and bottom. Nothing fancy like Reed Guy does!





SallyE..  Thanks for all your great information on how your modification to your loom ...  



In fact that way my first thinking  " BOY I WISH I HAD KNOWN" about this loom before it was sold to.  I would really have loved a 4 shaft loom like this at that price too.... WOW!!!!!   

Dena (not verified)

I have a loom that looks just like the one in the photo, so I'm assuming it's a brio.  I find the shed to be really small.  I think it's because the hole on the heddles is way too big.  I have thought of making new heddles with a smaller hole, but I haven't gotten to it.  Anyone else notice this?  Any thoughts on an easy fix that doesn't involve making new heddles?  Can they be bought somewhere.

SallyE (not verified)

Dena - if the shed is too small, one solution is to change the distance that the shafts move for each pick.   Since this is a CB action, pulling one up further will pull the other down further.  The warp will work against this of course, so you might need to rig some way to hold the shafts in place - maybe something like the little brackets on a RH loom?

Here is a thought - how about putting a  second roller bar UNDER the shafts and putting another set of chords around it from one shaft to the other.  I'm thinking of something just like the top roller, but under the shafts.   If both sets of roller chords are kept tight, it might help keep the shafts in balance better and allow you to make a larger shed.   This is just a thought because I don't have a loom to test it on. . . .



wellcome to lorelover, and ChrisWeaveMaine   Join in and share we'd all love to hear what your upto...and all about you too!    WHOOO hOOO ... I'm a poet and don't know it !   LOL 


Yes , I to have noticed that the DOWN heddle shed is very small. I'm not to bothered by it except when I try to do pattern work with a pick up stick...I have to be really carefull that all the pick up yarns are indeed in the right place for the waft shot. 

 ALSO on a bit differnt topic ...I have stoped trying to use thick paper to keep my warp in proper order when rolling on my warp to the back beam  I went to the local homedepot and bought thin screen molding and had the nice Homedepot guy cut it so it fit my warp beam leaving room for the gear and dog..(on the inside for a brio)  instead of paper or cardboard strips I now use these warping sticks to keep warp in order and it adds wonderfully to the even tention throughout my entire project .  I got this Idea from seeing Photos of a Large floor loom using similar warping sticks.


Wellcome to justmekaybee, reikidolls and weaverbird, a belated wellcom to Adinkacom,FybeRae,and Caidanbi to!


Lindiana,Miukat,Kateseidel!  drop in a line or two about your latest projecct on your little looms!!!  

miukat (not verified)

I have one!  I bought it at a thrift shop for $1!  You can imagine how excited I was .  Haven't started with it yet.  Too many projects going on right now!  Also, I'm a new weaver with minimal experience.  The warp that is on it seems like it's not tied on correctly.  It draws in too much in relation to the heddle holes.  And the stick thing in front by the beam confuses me.  I really have to read up on weaving.  Am I correct that this is a 2 heddle loom?  Anyone using pick up sticks to vary patterns?  What's everyone making? Seems like it would be nice for thin, lightweight silk scarves if you doubled up the warp.  


Glad to hear you have one!  When I bought mine on the internet I had to retie the front beam on since it was really loose and seemed very uneven.The beam stick (front stick thing was not quite tyed well to begin with.   But if you have read up on Rigid heddle weaving you will soon find out what to do with this "stick " which is on both sides of the warp... front and back.  I wecome you to weaving as did the kind folks here at Weavolution for me.  my only advice is to NOT GIVE UP!  even if you feel things did not work out well for the first trys...keep learning. 

 Is it a brio...?  does it have string or rigid heddle(s)?  is the rachet and dog  (little gear and the prong )  wooden or Nylon(plastic )? the older ones have string heddles ...the newer ones have a Red Nylon(plastic) rigid heddle .    OR is this small or toy loom of another type ?  Let us know ... ok   and Happy weaving !


I also think the shed opening is very much limited by the loom depth. A deep loom gives you a lower angle in your warp movement, so it can open wider without the more forward shafts restricting the warp ends from the rear shafts as much. If you notice on a deep floor loom, as soon as the warp angle climbs from the tied ends getting closer to the shafts the weaving gets restricted. Tension is also at play working against the opening of the shed. You can see for yourself what tension does, just in the treadling (on a floor loom). If the tension is too slack your treadles get suspended and won't return to rest, too tight and treadling effort increases.


I am a very new weaver here myself.  my little brio "toy" loom has no tredling to my knowlage of the word..., I have just two sheds up heddle and down... and work with a pick up stick for pattern I have never worked on a floor loom.  Please explain if you will what tredling means I may have it all wrong.  Thanks.


They are levers your feet control on a floor loom. They are attached to lamms which control the shafts to create the shed opening.


I'm in the very beginning stages of learning to weave. I have collected different types of looms through the past 13 years but have yet to actually get into it. I love the whole idea but feel intimated. I love fiberarts and ancient ways of doing things. I came from a long line of woodworkers and think it's in my blood. I'm actually getting ready to embark on tearing down a 170 year old barn.


Besides my table and RH looms, I also have a set of weaving sticks, and a Hazel Rose version of a 4x4 weavette (tried to get an old Weavette on Ebay but the price ended up too high).  Such fun, and very useful for creating small woven items (pockets, handles, etc.)  Portable so I can take my weaving everywhere.  OLAD strikes again ;)


I just picked up a pair of small looms.  I now have a Lily tape loom (wish I had a manual with that one, as on first glance I'm not sure how to use it!) and what could be a Brio loom.  The second loom has the ability to fold flat like a Brio, but the breast beam and whatever the corresponding beam on the warp end are both slotted and removable.

I figured that the maybe-Brio would be good for learning some basics on, to make it less likely that I'll be destroying warps when I start on my floor loom!  Now I just have to get the fiance to do the bits of work that are needed on the floor loom...



I was poking around for something else online today, and I came across an exact match for my small loom, so I now know what it is.  It's an Ostlind loom.  They were made in the '30s as part of the Depression National Recovery Act.  It's a cool little piece of history!  I wonder how old the yarn heddles on it are...


I have to say working on my Little brio has been eye opening for me I love the chance to do things as it was done long ago as well...I guess I'm a bit of a throwback to my ancestry since I was told that we had a Weaver or two back in my family history... maybe since one of the family names in our past was Weaver and in english naming records its known as a trade name.  I just love to do things by hand, I paint and have crocheted and now weave if you really enjoy the Idea of doing it!  I really feel it will fullfill a need inside and bring much enjoyment as well.


I have to say working on my Little brio has been eye opening for me I love the chance to do things as it was done long ago as well...I guess I'm a bit of a throwback to my ancestry since I was told that we had a Weaver or two back in my family history... maybe since one of the family names in our past was Weaver and in english naming records its known as a trade name.  I just love to do things by hand, I paint and have crocheted and now weave if you really enjoy the Idea of doing it!  I really feel it will fullfill a need inside and bring much enjoyment as well.


little old toy loom

I got this loom last weekend.  It belonged to the mom of my mom's friend, so it could be pretty old.  It isn't a Brio, because it doesn't fold.  It looks almost like a Peacock, but it doesn't have any screws like I see in pictures of those (and mentioned in a Peacock manual I found online.)  What else could it be?

It came with this work in progress, or maybe just tied on for show.   The twill tapes on the beam are worn through and have been pinned and taped back together. I guess it has been boxed up for years and jostled around.  It has no plastic parts, a wood reed and string heddles.