I acquired this loom back in the fall and we are in the process of stripping the finish and redoing everything. There are parts to replace and some to remanufacture, but it appears all there.
When I brought it home I cut all of the cords because it was really all just in a tangle. I left pieces on each screw eye, and I am pretty sure I know how it will go back together, but I was considering buying the Texsolv Tie Up Kit for the countermarch loom from GlimakraUSA. It says it's color coded and is supposed to be simple. I've never woven, or seen in person, a countermarch loom, and my husband thinks the kit would be the easiest thing for right now.
Any comments on this? Or doing it another way?
I will have other questions shortly because we are putting it together once the frame is cleaned. The lamms and harness will wait till we make sure it is all there and in working order.